05 三四十岁在科技公司就算“老骥伏枥”了?!
Tech companies in Silicon Valley are ageist.The median age of workers at Facebook and LinkedIn is 29.At Google it is all of 30.“Young people are just smarter,” as Mark Zuckerberg is supposed to have said.And even if they are not smarter, they are certainly cheaper.
There are lots of stories of tragic people in their 40s and 50s buying hoodies and boning up on superheroes before they pound the virtual pavements in search of a job.Some eventually get hired, but most appear not to.It all reminds me of the things women have been doing for decades to try to fit into a male world — wearing trouser suits and taking up golf, only this time it is worse.San Francisco has become a hotspot for Botox, with tech workers in even their late 20s and 30s seeking to inject their faces with stuff that renders them expressionless, to fit in with their baby-faced colleagues.
Yet there are bigger barriers to older people working in tech that no one is talking about and which no hoodie or syringe full of botulinum toxin will take care of.It has nothing to do with any prejudice that the over-40s are slow at mastering technology or that they lack entrepreneurial spirit.Instead, the barrier is the very thing that these companies are being praised for: their new organisational structure.
I've been reading The Conversational Firm by Catherine Turco, a sociologist at MIT, who has spent months infiltrating “TechCo”, a rapidly growing software company in the US.It has chucked out the old ways of working and arranged itself on more open, unhierarchical lines.
我最近在看麻省理工学院(MIT)社会学家凯瑟琳·图尔科写的《会话公司》(The Conversational Firm)一书,凯瑟琳在美国一家飞速成长的软件公司“TechCo”呆了好几个月。这家公司抛弃了旧的工作方式,采用更开放的、打破等级制度的组织模式。
It is the product of a socially networked age, in which people communicate within companies in quite different ways.The result, says Ms Turco, is an organisation built around conversation.So far, so good: people my age are all in favour of conversation.Only not of this variety.
The book starts with a glowing description of Hack Night at TechCo.Hundreds of employees assemble in a hall at the company HQ; the evening begins with a call for anyone with an idea to tell the audience what it is.Then each idea is assigned to a part of the room, and as music is pumped up everyone moves around to discuss whichever idea appeals to them.There's beer, pizza and a lot of talk.It goes on for hours.At about 9pm, everyone goes home.
这本书一开头就生动地描绘了TechCo的夜话活动(Hack Night)。数百名员工聚在公司总部的一个礼堂:刚开场就号召所有人集思广益,讲讲自己有什么好的构想。接着征集上来的点子被收集到礼堂的一个区域,然后音乐响起,人们走来走去地互相讨论哪个点子比较吸引人。现场供应啤酒和披萨,大家高声阔论。活动持续几个钟头。大概到晚上9点,人们才散场回家。
At TechCo, they love Hack Night.But they would, because the median age of their 600 staff is 26.I view an evening like this with unmitigated horror.Not because I think it couldn't work, or that no fruitful discussion could ever result.It simply would not work with me as a part of it as I am at least two decades too old for it.
在TechCo,人人都爱Hack Night。而他们也应该爱,因为这家公司600名员工的中值年龄为26岁。而这样一个夜晚对我而言则恐怖至极。并不是因为我觉得它起不到什么作用,或是这样的讨论不会有什么成果。只是它对我来说行不通,部分原因在于,要适应它,我至少得再年轻二十岁。
TechCo calls it “controlled chaos”, but I am anti-chaos of any sort, on the grounds that it is chaotic and therefore a less efficient way of organising than something more structured.Worse, the very idea of Hack Night offends me because, like most people my age, I'm a cynic.Traditional organisations can tolerate moderate amounts of cynicism, but this new company functions only when everyone is a true believer.
TechCo将其称之为“掌控下的混乱”,但我反对任何形式的混乱,就因为它混乱所以和那些更规范的组织方式相比它效率低下。更糟的是,Hack Night这个想法本身就让我不爽,像大多跟我年纪相仿的人一样,我是一个愤世嫉俗的人。传统的组织能够包容适度的愤世嫉俗,但这种新式企业只有在人人都是虔诚信徒的前提下才能运行。
The more companies that model themselves around this sort of “conversation”, the more my generation will be locked out — even if their young bosses stop saying outrageously ageist things and see some sense in trying to hire a few older people.
At some point the penny must drop, even with the most bigoted 20-something billionaire, that age discrimination is not just illegal or unfair but is also stupid.When older customers are the ones with most of the money — needed to keep almost any business going — not having them in your workforce makes no sense.
What worries me most is that these organisational ideas are bound to escape from Silicon Valley before long, as that is the way of these things.The infantile office decor with primary colours and bean bags was invented in California but has long since migrated, so now the frumpiest businesses all over the world have offices that look like kindergartens.This is regrettable but not a disaster — older people can simply close their eyes to it.
But with the conversational firm you can't just close your eyes — or ears.It is a structure, a philosophy and a way of life; in this conversation, people in their 40s, let alone in their 50s or 60s, will have nothing to say.
pound the pavement 在街头徘徊找工作
bone up on sth (通常是为了准备考试)专门钻研,努力研读
There are lots of stories of tragic people in their 40s and 50s buying hoodies and boning up on superheroes before they pound the virtual pavements in search of a job.
So far, so good
So far, so good: people my age are all in favour of conversation.
Tsk 语气词,啧啧,表示不耐烦、不赞同
be bound to 必然或注定要做;坚决或下定决心要做
What worries me most is that these organisational ideas are bound to escape from Silicon Valley before long, as that is the way of these things.