06 去关押王尔德的瑞丁监狱看现代艺术
“你有可能因为爱错人而被囚禁!”英国舞台导演兼作家Neil Bartlett如此感叹。王尔德因同性恋被捕,相继在三所监狱服苦刑。在瑞丁监狱服刑期间,他写了《自深渊》,出狱后还写了《瑞丁监狱之歌》,瑞丁因而声名大噪。这栋1844年设立的监狱在3年前停止使用,艺术机构Artangel趁机举办了艺术群展《在狱中:艺术家与作家在瑞丁监狱》。
在此被囚禁的C33号囚犯王尔德让瑞丁监狱扬名天下。James Lingwood和Michael Morris是锐意创新的艺术机构Artangel的联合总监。2013年,在瑞丁监狱因被政府出售而关闭清空后,他们发现了这座建于维多利亚时代的非凡的十字形建筑。并说服了司法部让他们在监狱内举办一个杰出的短期群展,最终的展览《在狱中:艺术家与作家在瑞丁监狱》在9月4日对公众开放。
The poet's former cell, 2.2 is the first place people flock to, but the cell is bare, with nothing to annotate its historic significance.In the next door cell, Wilde's books which he owned in prison, are lined up on a wooden table.He was allowed these books after one year in prison and before that only a Bible and a prayer book.
There are wooden chairs lined up either side of the hefty wooden door, which Wilde lived behind when it was known as Reading Gaol and immortalised in his poem, the Ballad of Reading Gaol.
“The recommendation was that prisoners should be locked up in the dark cells for no more than three days, but Wilde was actually kept there for two weeks, as punishment for talking to another prisoner in the chapel,” said Emily O'Neil, who has written the guide for the National Trust.
“当时的人提倡犯人关在黑暗牢房中的时间不应超过三天,但实际上王尔德因为在教堂与另一名犯人交谈而被惩罚关了两个星期。”为全国托管协会(英国保护名胜古迹的私人组织)撰写指南的Emily O'Neil介绍道。
“It was incredibly harsh punishment: the window was blocked so it was totally dark, the double doors meant they saw nothing, and bread and water was just handed in through a slot in the door.
在瑞丁监狱内展出的不仅有纪念王尔德的艺术品。牢房、走廊与礼拜堂内还陈列着出自现代艺术家之手的绘画、雕塑、录像、摄影和书信,监狱变成了艺术、文学与表演的舞台。“当我们知道可以到监狱做项目时,我们发现不仅仅是作家,王尔德对许多当代艺术家也有巨大的影响力。”Artangel创始人之一的James Lingwood说。
On the ground floor, we find a vitrine filled with mugshots of actual 19th-century inmates of Reading Prison–including, unforgettably, women and boys, as well as grizzled felons.On this level, there is only one artwork: a series of sombre sculptures by the Colombian artist Doris Salcedo.
在一层我们找到了一个玻璃橱窗,里面挂满了19世纪瑞丁监狱囚犯的脸部特写,包括女人、男孩和头发花白的重罪犯。令人难以忘怀。在这层只有一件艺术品——哥伦比亚艺术家Doris Salcedo创作的一系列阴沉悲怆的雕塑。
Upstairs, we find many more artworks, by 12 other artists of international significance, mostly installed in individual cells.There are also a number of handwritten letters on the subject of imprisonment, by nine writers including Jeanette Winterson.Meanwhile, inside the chapel on Level 2, the French artist Jean-Michel Pancin presents a sculpture, In Memoriam.
在楼上,我们找到了由其他12位国际知名艺术家创作的更多艺术品,它们大多被摆放在单人牢房。还有一些由Jeanette Winterson等9位作家创作的以囚禁为主题的手写信件。同时,在二层的小教堂中还陈列着法国艺术家Jean-Michel Pancin的雕塑《In Memoriam》。
flock to 聚集到;涌到;成群结队地走向
annotate ['ænəteɪt]
The poet's former cell, 2.2 is the first place people flock to, but the cell is bare, with nothing to annotate its historic significance.In the next door cell.
vitrine ['vɪtriːn]
mug shot面部照片
On the ground floor, we find a vitrine filled with mug shots of actual 19th-century inmates of Reading Prison.
chapel ['tʃæp(ə)l]
Meanwhile, inside the chapel on Level 2, the French artist Jean-Michel Pancin presents a sculpture, In Memoriam.同时,在二层的小教堂中还陈列着法国艺术家Jean-Michel Pancin的雕塑《In Memoriam》。