Day 18 The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority
The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
(1)到底什么是“ authority(权威)”?是最有威望、最有支配作用的力量吗?是被社会所公认的价值、功绩或品德吗?你能罗列一些各个领域的权威人物吗?例如:物理学界有爱因斯坦,哲学界有亚里士多德、苏格拉底,艺术领域有达·芬奇、毕加索等。
为了一个国家的成功发展,对其当局提出合理的挑战的确是需要的,要么去揭露之前被忽视的问题,要么去推进改革的进程(尽量使用“ required either to...or to...”结构)。但是,恶意的、不理性的质疑可能会扰乱社会秩序,甚至将国家引向瓦解。
For the successful development of a nation, reasonable challenges to its authorities are definitely required either to disclose previously overlooked problems or to push forward the reform process. However, malicious and irrational questioning would disrupt social order and even lead the country toward disintegration.
Sexual equality, mainly meaning the rise of women's status, seemed unrealistic to ancient people who were taught about the superiority of men to women the moment they were born and who had never doubted the irrationality of that concept.
In the past, most children in China were taught to conform to the mainstream thoughts and never be the first one to express an opposition. Today, we are in a society in which all the people are encouraged to establish their individualistic uniqueness and to stand out among the crowd by so doing. This, to my mind, is a significant leap forward.
Taking an opposite stand against the majority always elicits torrents of criticism. It is this fear of other people's disapproval that makes it so difficult for us to break away from the crowd. However, numerous breakthroughs have been achieved by deviating from the crowd. For example, if John Nash were not audacious enough to question the authority, we might still stick with Adam Smith's theory now.