Day 87 Any piece of information referred to as afact should be mistrusted, since it may wellbe proven false in the future
Claim: Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future.
Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
(1)你能否举一个具体的例子(亲身经历或者历史人物皆可)论述“先前被证明正确的事情,最终可能被证伪”?例如 ,古代欧洲的“宇宙学说”认为地球是宇宙的中心(“地心说”),直到后来哥白尼提出了“日心说”,认为太阳才是宇宙的中心,所有的星体围绕着太阳做圆周运动,“地心说”才被证明是错的。
(2)现在被判定错误的东西,在过去就一定是错误的吗?是否可能因为时间的变化,其他情况发生了变化?你能举例说明吗?例如:中国从 1994年开始强制食盐加碘,以防治碘缺乏病的发生,现在已经适当下调现行食盐加碘量,各地也可以根据实际情况作相应调整。但在当时,中国人缺碘的现象比较严重,这样做是有意义的。
在历史上很长一段时间里,人们都接受亚里士多德的观点——地球是宇宙的中心,其他的天体都围绕着它旋转。当哥白尼提出太阳应该是那个不动的中心,星体的运动只是地球自转造成的假象时,这一观念受到挑战。哥白尼在犹豫了很长时间之后,最终同意发表他在当时被认为是异端的理论。但是布鲁诺,哥白尼理论的一个支持者,以如此坚定的信念坚持他的天文学理念,以至于被烧死在木桩上(可用 such...that句式,注意 such后要跟名词)。
For a long time in history, people accepted the Aristotelian view that the Earth was the center of the universe and that all heavenly bodies revolved around it. This concept was challenged when Copernicus posited that the Sun was the immobile center, and the motion of the stars was just an illusion caused by the rotation of the Earth itself. Copernicus finally agreed to the publication of his then heretic theory after a long period of hesitation. Yet Giordano Bruno, an upholder of Copernicus's theory, adhered to his astronomical beliefs with such firm faith that he was burned at the stake.