数词 正误速辨
1 老太太买了两打鸡蛋。
误 The old lady bought two dozens eggs.
正 The old lady bought two dozen eggs.
评 dozen前有具体数词或some, several, many修饰时,要用单数形式。
2 三分之一加三分之二等于一。
误 One third plus two third equals one.
正 One third plus two thirds equals one.
评 英语中用基数词表示分子,用序数词表示分母。当分子为二或二以上的基数词时,分母要用复数形式。
3 我昨天买了一本词典。
误 I bought one dictionary yesterday.
正 I bought a dictionary yesterday.
评 a/an强调类别,而one强调数量。从句意看,并非强调数量,故用冠词a。
4 我们已经学完了前3课。
误 We have studied the three first lessons.
正 We have studied the first three lessons.
评 序数词应放在基数词前。
5 这些孩子是在20世纪末出生的。
误 These children were born at the end of the twenty century .
误 These children were born at the end of twentieth century .
正 These children were born at the end of the twentieth century .
6 我们将在12点10分吃午饭。
误 We'll have lunch at ten past twelve o'clock .
正 We'll have lunch at ten past twelve .
评 o'clock只用于整点,“几点过几分”不可用o'clock。
7 这是一篇2 000字的文章。
误 It is a 2,000-words article.
正 It is a 2,000-word article.
评 在“数词+连字符+名词”构成的复合形容词中,名词要用单数形式。
8 她花了一个半小时写那封信。
误 She spent one and a half hour writing the letter.
正 She spent one and a half hours writing the letter.
评 “一个半小时”要说one and a half hours,要用复数形式。再如:one and a half months (一个半月),one and a half miles (一英里半)。
9 五月是一年中的第五个月。
误 May is the fiveth month of the year.
正 May is the fifth month of the year.
10 这所学校大约有800名学生。
误 There are about eight hundreds students in the school.
正 There are about eight hundred students in the school.
11 我7点55分离开家的。
误 I left home at fifty five past seven .
正 I left home at five to eight .
评 分钟数(在半小时以内含半小时)+past+小时,表示几点过几分;半小时以上则用to,结构为:到下一个小时所差分钟数+to+下一个小时。
12 你有几支钢笔?—我有3支钢笔。
误 How many pens do you have?—I have three pens .
正 How many pens do you have?—I have three .
评 回答how many提问的句子时,通常要省略数词后重复的词。
13 他父亲38岁。
误 His father is thirty eight .
正 His father is thirty-eight .
评 表示“几十几”时,十位数和个位数中间要加连字符。但表示时间的“几点几分”,中间不用连字符。
14 我曾经去过那儿一两次。
正 I've been there one time or two times .(美式英语 )
正 I've been there once or twice .
评 在美式英语中,one time和two times可表示“一次”和“两次”,等于once和twice。
15 我们的工作已完成一半。
误 Our half work is done.
正 Half our work is done.
评 half our work是half of our work的省略式。
16 “hut”一词中有一个“h”,一个“u”和一个“t”。
误 There is a “h”, an “u” and a “t” in the word “hut”.
正 There is an “h”, a “u” and a “t” in the word “hut”.
评 h发音为[′eɪtʃ],为元音音素开头,故用an。u发音为[juː],为辅音音素开头,故用a。