259 city和town
1 city 城市,通常较大,较重要,在美国用得较多。
Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. 上海是世界上最大的城市之一。
More troops were sent to defend the city . 更多的部队被派去保卫那座城市。
2 town 城镇,市镇,比city小,但比village大,在英国用得较多。town 可指“市区,商业中心”,这时town前面不用冠词。
He was born in a small town . 他出生在一个小镇上。
It is a beautiful seaside town .那是一个美丽的海滨小城。
I'm going into town tonight to see a film. 我今晚要去市中心看电影。
city hall (美)
town hall (英)
city planning (美)
town planning (英)