[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:2-Thursday 发明 191词
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    2-Thursday 发明 191词

    题材: 发明  词数: 191  建议阅读时间: 4分钟


    The Zipper is a wonderful invention.How did people ever live without zippers?They are very common,so we forget that they are wonderful.They are very strong,but they open and close very easily.They come in many colors and sizes.

    In the 1890s,people in the United States wore high shoes with a long row of buttons.Women's clothes often had rows of buttons too.People wanted an easier way to put on and take off clothes.

    Whitcomb L.Judson invented the zipper in 1893.He was an engineer in Chicago.He called the zipper a slide fastener.However,it didn't stay closed very well.This was embarrassing,and people didn't buy many of them.Then Dr.Gideon Sundback from Sweden solved this problem.

    A zipper has three parts.1)There are dozens of metal or plastic hooks (called teeth)in two rows.2)These are fastened to two strips of cloth.The cloth strips are flexible.They bend easily.3)A fastener slides along and fastens the hooks together.When it slides the other way,it takes the hooks apart.

    Dr.Sundback put the hooks on the strips of cloth.The cloth holds all the hooks in place.They don't come apart very easily.This solved the problem of the first zippers.


    row n. (人或物)排,行:The examination took place in a large room filled with rows of desks.考试是在一间有许多排课桌的房间里举行的。

    button n. 纽扣:This shirt is too tight.I can't fasten the buttons.这件衬衫太瘦,扣不上扣子。

    fasten v. 扣住;拴牢;系紧;黏上:Please fasten your seat-belts.请系好安全带。/Could you fasten this suitcase for me?可不可以替我把衣箱锁好?‖fastener n. 把东西固定在一起的物件(如纽扣、拉链、插销等)

    hook n. 钩(状物):Hang your coat on the hook.把你的外衣挂在钩上。

    flexible adj. 易弯曲的,有弹性的:Dancers need to be flexible.跳舞的人身体要柔软易屈。

    strip n. 狭条,条状:a strip of land长条状土地/a strip of paper纸条

    1.Why do we forget that zippers are wonderful?


    2.What kind of shoes did Americans wear in the 1890s?


    3.Why were the first zippers embarrassing?


    4.What part of the zipper is flexible?


    5.What did Dr.Sundback do to make zippers better?









    Thursday 1.They are very common. 2.High shoes with a long row of buttons. 3.They didn't stay closed very well. 4.The cloth strips. 5.He put the hooks on strips of cloth.

      上一篇:[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:2-Wednesday 自行车 223词 下一篇:[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:2-Friday 怎样安排时间 284词

