18-Tuesday 运钞事故 266词
题材: 运钞事故 词数: 266 建议阅读时间: 5.5分钟
Mel Kiser was driving along a busy highway in Columbus,Ohio.He saw an armored truck and a few cars ahead of him.Suddenly the doors of the armored truck opened,and a blue plastic bag fell out of the truck.A car in front of Mr.Kiser hit the bag.The bag ripped and money spilled out.Then another bag fell out of the truck,and another.Money was flying everywhere.
At first,drivers thought the green papers on the highway were leaves.Then they realized that the green papers were not leaves—they were money!Drivers stopped their cars right in the middle of the highway.People jumped out of their cars and began picking up money.They were putting ten-,twenty-,and one-hundred-dollar bills into their pockets.One man said,“Money,money,money!It's all free!Grab some while you can!”
Mr.Kiser also got out of his car.He grabbed a plastic bag of money,put the bag in his car,and drove away.
Later Mr.Kiser counted the money,he had $57,000.For the next two hours Mr.Kiser thought about the money.He dreamed about spending it.He needed a new furnace for his house.He wanted to take a vacation in Florida.But he decided to return the money.He drove to the police station and gave the police the $57,000.
The armored truck company offered 10 percent reward,so Mr.Kiser got a reward of $5,700.A few more people returned money and got rewards,but over one million dollars were still missing.
Then one man telephoned a Columbus newspaper.The man did not give his name.“I took two bags of money,”he said.“I'm going to take the money and leave Columbus.I have enough money for the rest of my life.”
armo(u)r n. 盔甲‖armo(u)red adj. 装甲的:armo(u)red car (银行用于运送钞票或军事上的)装甲车辆
rip v. (ripped;ripping )撕,扯,划破:The boy ripped his trousers on the fence.那个男孩在篱笆上把裤子挂破了。/The tyre was ripped up.轮胎被划破了。
spill v. 泼出,洒落,散落:Light spilled out through the windows.光从窗子泄出。
grab v. 攫取;抓取,抓住:She grabbed him by the shirt collar.她一把抓住他的衬衣领。/He grabbed hold of a handrail to save himself from falling.他紧紧抓住扶手以免摔倒。
bill n. 账单;(美语)钞票,纸币:a ten-dollar bill十美元钞票
furnace n. 火炉,炉子:It's like a furnace in here—can we open a window?这房间热得像个火炉,开扇窗好吗?
reward n. 报答,报偿,赏金:Police are offering a reward for information of a criminal.警方悬赏能找到罪犯的线索。
1.Mel Kiser was driving along a busy highway when he saw________.
A.a truck hit a blue plastic bag
B.three blue plastic bags fell out of the truck one after another
C.a car hit the truck ahead of him
D.someone was flying money
2.The drivers stopped suddenly in the middle of the highway because________.
A.there was a traffic accident ahead of them
B.they didn't believe the green papers were money
C.they had grabbed some money
D.they wanted to pick up money
3.Mel Kiser needed a furnace,so probably________.
A.he was an honest man
B.drivers liked furnaces
C.the weather is sometimes cold in Ohio
D.it was easy to make money in Columbus
4.If a man returned a million dollars to the company,the company would pay him________dollars as a reward.
A.one hundred thousand
B.one thousand and one hundred
C.ten thousand and one hundred
D.ten hundred and one thousand
Tuesday 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A