18-Wednesday 海水淡化 302词
题材: 海水淡化 词数: 302 建议阅读时间: 6分钟
Symi is a small island of Greece.Very little rain falls on the island.The people there tried their best to save every drop.But there had never been enough water for their needs,and they had to buy water.The water was carried there by ship.Now the island has its own“water factory”.The factory can change salt water from the sea into fresh water.
Right in the centre of the town are some long ponds.Each pond is covered with a low plastic tent.At night sea water is pumped into the ponds.During the day the hot sun shines through the tents.The sunlight turns the sea water into vapour.The vapour rises from the ponds and salt is left behind.When the vapour reaches the tents,it turns into many small drops of water.Then they run together and turn into big ones.These big drops of water run down the sides of the tents,filling the big bottles with fresh water.The salt left behind in the ponds is washed out each night.Then more sea water is pumped in.The factory is ready for the next day's work.
Symi's way of turning salt water into fresh water does not cost much.The factory is easy to build and costs little.Sea water and sunlight cost nothing.To the poor people on the island,this new way seems wonderful.Now they don't have to spend much money on fresh water any longer.
Many places in the world are in great need of fresh water.People are trying to find ways to turn salt water into fresh water.In some places,the sun is not hot enough,or it does not shine every day.In such places,people use other ways.For example,by boiling sea water,a lot of fresh water can be made quickly.But it costs much more money.In small hot places,it is better to use Symi's way,for it gives the most fresh water for the least money.
Greece n. 希腊(欧洲东南部国家)
plastic n. 塑料:These spoons are made of plastic.这些汤匙是塑料的。
pump n. 泵 v. 用泵抽:We pumped the basement dry.我们把地下室的积水抽干了。/The doctor pumped the poison out of the child's stomach.医生将孩子胃中的毒液抽吸出来。
vapo(u)r n. 蒸气:water vapour水蒸气/vapour pressure气压
1.What did the people in Symi have to do before the water factory was built?
2.What is each pond covered with?
3.Why aren't metal tents used instead of plastic ones?
4.When is the salt left in the ponds washed out?
5.Why don't the people have to spend much money on fresh water any longer?
6.Where can people use Symi's way?
Wednesday 1.To save every raindrop. 2.A low plastic tent. 3.Because sunlight can't go through metal tents. 4.Each night. 5.Because the way (of turning salt water into fresh water)does not cost much. 6.In small hot places.