双语·邦斯舅舅 七十七、夺回遗产的办法
教程:译林版·邦斯舅舅  浏览:162  
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    And Schmucke? He was busy buying flowers and cakes for Topinard's children, and went home almost joyously.

    I am gifing die bresents... he said, and he smiled.

    It was the first smile for three months, but any one who had seen Schmucke's face would have shuddered to see it there.

    But dere is ein condition—

    It is too kind of you, sir, said the mother.

    De liddle girl shall gif me a kiss and put die flowers in her hair, like die liddle German maidens—

    Olga, child, do just as the gentleman wishes, said the mother, assuming an air of discipline.

    Do not scold mein liddle German girl, implored Schmucke. It seemed to him that the little one was his dear Germany. Topinard came in.

    Three porters are bringing up the whole bag of tricks, he said.

    Oh! Here are two hundred vrancs to bay for eferydings... said Schmucke. "But, mein friend, your Montame Dobinard is ver' nice; you shall marry her, is it not so? I shall gif you tausend crowns, and die liddle vone shall haf tausend crowns for her toury, and you shall infest it in her name.... Und you are not to pe ein zuper any more—you are to pe de cashier at de teatre—"

    I?—instead of old Baudrand?


    Who told you so?

    Mennesir Gautissart!

    Oh! it is enough to send one wild with joy!... Eh! I say, Rosalie, what a rumpus there will be at the theatre! But it is not possible—

    Our benefactor must not live in a garret—

    Pshaw! for die few tays dat I haf to lif it ees fery komfortable, said Schmucke. "Goot-pye; I am going to der zemetery, to see vat dey haf don mit Bons, und to order som flowers for his grafe."

    Mme. Camusot de Marville was consumed by the liveliest apprehensions. At a council held with Fraisier, Berthier, and Godeschal, the two last-named authorities gave it as their opinion that it was hopeless to dispute a will drawn up by two notaries in the presence of two witnesses, so precisely was the instrument worded by Leopold Hannequin. Honest Godeschal said that even if Schmucke's own legal adviser should succeed in deceiving him, he would find out the truth at last, if it were only from some officious barrister, the gentlemen of the robe being wont to perform such acts of generosity and disinterestedness by way of self-advertisement. And the two officials took their leave of the Presidente with a parting caution against Fraisier, concerning whom they had naturally made inquiries. At that very moment Fraisier, straight from the affixing of the seals in the Rue de Normandie, was waiting for an interview with Mme. de Marville. Berthier and Godeschal had suggested that he should be shown into the study; the whole affair was too dirty for the President to look into (to use their own expression), and they wished to give Mme. de Marville their opinion in Fraisier's absence.

    Well, madame, where are these gentlemen? asked Fraisier, admitted to audience.

    They are gone. They advise me to give up, said Mme. de Marville.

    Give up! repeated Fraisier, suppressed fury in his voice. "Give up! Listen to this, madame:—

    At the request of...' and so forth (I will omit the formalities)... 'Whereas there has been deposited in the hands of M. le President of the Court of First Instance, a will drawn up by Maitres Leopold Hannequin and Alexandre Crottat, notaries of Paris, and in the presence of two witnesses, the Sieurs Brunner and Schwab, aliens domiciled at Paris, and by the said will the Sieur Pons, deceased, has bequeathed his property to one Sieur Schmucke, a German, to the prejudice of his natural heirs. Whereas the applicant undertakes to prove that the said will was obtained under undue influence and by unlawful means; and persons of credit are prepared to show that it was the testator's intention to leave his fortune to Mlle. Cecile, daughter of the aforesaid Sieur de Marville, and the applicant can show that the said will was extorted from the testator's weakness, he being unaccountable for his actions at the time. Whereas as the Sieur Schmucke, to obtain a will in his favor, sequestrated the testator, and prevented the family from approaching the deceased during his last illness; and his subsequent notorious ingratitude was of a nature to scandalize the house and residents in the quarter who chanced to witness it when attending the funeral of the porter at the testator's place of abode. Whereas as still more serious charges, of which applicant is collecting proofs, will be formally made before their worships the judges. I, the undersigned Registrar of the Court, etc., etc., on behalf of the aforesaid, etc., have summoned the Sieur Schmucke, pleading, etc., to appear before their worships the judges of the first chamber of the Tribunal, and to be present when application is made that the will received by Maitres Hannequin and Crottat, being evidently obtained by undue influence, shall be regarded as null and void in law; and I, the undersigned, on behalf of the aforesaid, etc., have likewise given notice of protest, should the Sieur Schmucke as universal legatee make application for an order to be put into possession of the estate, seeing that the applicant opposes such order, and makes objection by his application bearing date of to-day, of which a copy has been duly deposited with the Sieur Schmucke, costs being charged to... etc., etc.' I know the man, Mme. le Presidente. He will come to terms as soon as he reads this little love-letter. He will take our terms. Are you going to give the thousand crowns per annum?"

    Certainly. I only wish I were paying the first installment now.

    It will be done in three days. The summons will come down upon him while he is stupefied with grief, for the poor soul regrets Pons and is taking the death to heart.

    Can the application be withdrawn? inquired the lady.

    Certainly, madame. You can withdraw it at any time.

    Very well, monsieur, let it be so... go on! Yes, the purchase of land that you have arranged for me is worth the trouble; and, besides, I have managed Vitel's business—he is to retire, and you must pay Vitel's sixty thousand francs out of Pons' property. So, you see, you must succeed.

    Have you Vitel's resignation?

    Yes, monsieur. M. Vitel has put himself in M. de Marville's hands.

    Very good, madame. I have already saved you sixty thousand francs which I expected to give to that vile creature Mme. Cibot. But I still require the tobacconist's license for the woman Sauvage, and an appointment to the vacant place of head-physician at the Quinze-Vingts for my friend Poulain.

    Agreed—it is all arranged.

    Very well. There is no more to be said. Every one is for you in this business, even Gaudissart, the manager of the theatre. I went to look him up yesterday, and he undertook to crush the workman who seemed likely to give us trouble.

    Oh, I know M. Gaudissart is devoted to the Popinots.

    Fraisier went out. Unluckily, he missed Gaudissart, and the fatal summons was served forthwith.

    If all covetous minds will sympathize with the Presidente, all honest folk will turn in abhorrence from her joy when Gaudissart came twenty minutes later to report his conversation with poor Schmucke. She gave her full approval; she was obliged beyond all expression for the thoughtful way in which the manager relieved her of any remaining scruples by observations which seemed to her to be very sensible and just.

    I thought as I came, Mme. la Presidente, that the poor devil would not know what to do with the money. 'Tis a patriarchally simple nature. He is a child, he is a German, he ought to be stuffed and put in a glass case like a waxen image. Which is to say that, in my opinion, he is quite puzzled enough already with his income of two thousand five hundred francs, and here you are provoking him into extravagance—

    It is very generous of him to wish to enrich the poor fellow who regrets the loss of our cousin, pronounced the Presidente. "For my own part, I am sorry for the little squabble that estranged M. Pons and me. If he had come back again, all would have been forgiven. If you only knew how my husband misses him! M. de Marville received no notice of the death, and was in despair; family claims are sacred for him, he would have gone to the service and the interment, and I myself would have been at the mass—"

    Very well, fair lady, said Gaudissart. "Be so good as to have the documents drawn up, and at four o'clock I will bring this German to you. Please remember me to your charming daughter the Vicomtesse, and ask her to tell my illustrious friend the great statesman, her good and excellent father-in-law, how deeply I am devoted to him and his, and ask him to continue his valued favors. I owe my life to his uncle the judge, and my success in life to him; and I should wish to be bound to both you and your daughter by the high esteem which links us with persons of rank and influence. I wish to leave the theatre and become a serious person."

    As you are already, monsieur! said the Presidente.

    Adorable! returned Gaudissart, kissing the lady's shriveled fingers.

























    兹据××××××状称……(套语从略)事缘汉纳耿与克洛泰二公证人,会同两外籍证人勃罗纳与希华勃,将故邦斯先生遗嘱送呈地方法院,请求执管遗产在案。查故邦斯先生将遗产赠予德国人许模克先生之行为,实属侵害具状人之权利;因具状人乃系故邦斯先生之法定的血亲继承人,而邦斯先生生前亦明白表示愿将遗产授予具状人之生女赛西尔小姐。关于此点,具状人可提出社会上素有声望之人士为证。讵许模克先生不惜以卑鄙伎俩,非法手段,乘病人神志昏迷之际赚取遗嘱;甚至于事先禁锢邦斯先生,使其不能接见家属,以遂其夺取遗产之阴谋;而一旦目的达到,于主办邦斯先生丧葬之时,许模克立即忘恩负义,行同禽兽,致引起邻里公愤。此外尚有其他罪行,具状人现方搜集证据,以备日后当庭陈述。基于上述理由,具状人特请求法院宣示撤销故邦斯先生遗嘱,并将其遗产判归血亲继承人依法执管。据此,本执达吏依法当面票传许模克于×月×日到庭,听候审理撤销故邦斯遗嘱一案。本执达吏并根据具状人请求,反对许模克取得受遗赠人之身份,并反对其执管遗产……(下略) [1]





















    [1] 法国执达吏的职权,除执行法院判决,为强制执行及假扣押等以外,得签发诉讼案件及非诉讼案件的传票,并负责送达。又以许模克委托泰勃罗为代表而论,执达吏似亦能接受私人委托代办非诉讼案件,但此点在现代法国诉讼程序上无可查考。又执达吏另有事务所,雇有书记等等助理其事。

      上一篇:双语·邦斯舅舅 七十六、高狄沙的慷慨 下一篇:双语·邦斯舅舅 结局


