美 Beauty, Beautiful
a budding beauty of eighteen 芳龄18的美人
a delicate and quiet beauty 娇柔文静的美女
a land of overwhelming beauty 锦绣山河
a scene of wonderful beauty 奇妙的美景
a serenely beautiful night 宁静美丽的夜晚
a social beauty 交际花
a thing of beauty 赏心悦目的东西
a village beauty 标致的乡村姑娘
a willowy beauty 苗条淑女
an intoxicating beauty 令人陶醉的美
add beauty to the landscape 增添风景的美丽
alluring spring beauty 令人陶醉的春天美景
appreciate/enjoy the terrific beauty of the chasm 欣赏这个峡谷的绝美风景
architectual beauty 建筑之美
astonishingly pretty 惊人的漂亮
be endowed with beauty 天生丽质
beautiful beyond description 美得无法形容
beautiful in appearance 容貌美
beautiful in spirit 心灵美
beautiful to the eye 绮丽悦目
beautify life by art 用艺术美化生活
bewitchingly beautiful 美得迷人
bring out its beauty 充分显示其美
capture/charm/entrance/fascinate (美)迷住
charmingly beautiful 妩媚妖娆
deface the beauty of nature 损毁自然美
destroy the scenic beauty of the place 破坏该地的风景美
distractingly beautiful 美得令人魂不守舍
extraordinary beauty 出众的姿色
feminine/womanly beauty 女性美
injure the beauty of the city 毁坏市容
landscape of enthralling beauty 引人入胜的风景
lend beauty to the scenery 给景致增添了美丽
male/manly beauty 男性美
natural beauty 自然美
physical beauty 体格美
remarkably pretty 异常漂亮
rustic beauty 乡间美色
scenic beauty 风景美
spiritual beauty 精神美
still remember the beauty of the lake 依然记得那个湖上的美景
the acknowledged beauty of the screen 公认的银幕美人
the beauties of symmetry 对称之美
the beauty of English poetry 英诗之美
unequalled in beauty 无与伦比的美
unspeakably beautiful 美得无法形容
wild beauty of nature 大自然的粗犷美