教程:英语惯用词组27000  浏览:764  
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    真,真理,真相 True, Truth

    a parodoxical truth 似是而非的真理

    a perfectly true judgment 完全正确的判断

    a universal truth 普遍真理

    an acknowledged/established truth 公认的真理

    an artistic truth 艺术的真实

    an eternal/everlasting truth 永恒的真理

    absolute truth 绝对真理

    arrive at the truth 获得真相

    ascertain/get at the truth 查明真相

    authentic material 真实的材料

    authentic work 真迹

    challenge the truth of 对……的真实性表示异议

    clarify the truth of the matter 澄清事情的真相

    come out (真相)大白于天下

    deny the truth of the report 否认报告的真实性

    discover/find out the truth 查明真相

    discriminate truth from error 辨别真理

    distort the truth 歪曲事实真相

    doubt the genuineness of 怀疑……的真实性

    eliminate the false and retain the true 去伪存真

    examine the genuineness of 检查……的真实性

    feel out the truth of the matter 摸清事情的真相

    genuine diamond 真钻石

    genuine knowledge 真知

    hide the truth 隐瞒真相

    leak out (真相)泄露

    relative truth 相对真理

    seek after truth 探求真理

    seek truth from facts 实事求是

    tell the true from the false 分辨真伪

    the fair and square truth 完完全全的事实

    the naked truth 赤裸裸的事实

    the true mingled with the false 真真假假

    the true,the good and the beautiful 真善美

    to tell the truth 说实话

    true essence/true meaning 真谛

    true features/true colors 真面目

    true gold 真金

    true to nature/life (画)很逼真

    true to one's word/in word 遵守诺言

    true to the original 忠实于原文

    undeniable truth 不可否认的真理

    undoubtedly/unquestionably true 确定无疑

    uphold the truth 坚持真理

      上一篇:英语惯用词组:[美,真,假类]美 下一篇:英语惯用词组:[美,真,假类]假,虚假,谎言


