教程:英语惯用词组27000  浏览:195  
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    活,生存,生活 Live

    life under the same roof 住在同一幢房子里

    live above/beyond one's income/means 入不敷出

    live across the road 住在马路对面

    live after foreign models 模仿外国生活方式

    live alone 独自生活

    live at a great distance 住得很远

    live at a small cost 过节俭的生活

    live at No.68 in this street 住在这条街68号

    live beyond ninety 活到90多岁

    live by honest labor 靠正当的劳动生活

    live by oneself 独居

    live close by the lake 住在湖边

    live close by 住在附近

    live contentedly 心满意足地生活

    live exclusively by the pen 完全靠写作谋生

    live expensively 过奢侈的生活

    live fast 过放荡的生活

    live for nothing but pleasure 只为享乐而生活

    live high on one's high income 靠大量收入过奢侈的生活

    live in affluence 生活富裕

    live in alms 靠别人的施舍度日

    live in peace 过平静的生活

    live in poverty 生活贫苦

    live in retirement 过退休生活

    live in the memory of the villagers 活在村民的记忆里

    live in the past 靠缅怀往事度日

    live nearest to the school 住得离学校最近

    live off one's parents 靠父母亲生活

    live on credit 靠借贷过日子

    live on one's salary 靠工资生活

    live on plain food 靠粗茶淡饭度日

    live on the hill 住在小山上

    live over/across the street 住在街对面

    live plainly and frugally 生活俭朴

    live pleasantly to the age of 108 愉快地活到108岁

    live rough 生活艰苦

    live temperately 生活有节制

    live through some terrible experiences 经历过一些可怕的事件

    live through two wars 经历过两次战争

    live together harmoniously 和睦地生活在一起

    live under petticoat government 受老婆的管

    live within easy reach of Nanjing 住在离南京很近的地方

    live within oneself 离群索居

    live within one's income/means 量入为出

    live within the city border 住在市内

    live worthily 生活得有意义

      上一篇:英语惯用词组:[生命,生活类]生活,生计 下一篇:英语惯用词组:[金钱,花费,消费类]金钱,钱款

