教程:英语惯用词组27000  浏览:194  
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    生活,生计 Living

    continue a hand-to-mouth living 继续过勉强糊口的生活

    depend on rice for living 以大米为主食

    earn a bare living 维持最低的生活

    earn one's living at some honest occupation 以正当的职业谋生

    earn one's own living 自食其力

    get a living with the pen 靠写作谋生

    make a living as a car salesman 以推销汽车谋生

    make a living as a teacher of Japanese 靠教日语谋生

    make a living by the sweat of one's brow 靠自己的辛勤劳动谋生

    make a living from literary work 靠写作谋生

    make a living out of the sale of clothes 靠卖衣服谋生

    pick up a living by hawking fruit 靠叫卖水果谋生

    plain living 朴素的生活

    scrape/eke out a living 勉强糊口

    sound thinking and noble living 健康的思想和高尚的生活

    standards of living 生活水平

    suburban living 郊区生活

    the art of living 生活艺术

    the cost of living 生活费用

    the style/mode of living 生活方式

    thrifty living 节俭的生活

    urban living 城市生活

    win a living on five acres 靠5英亩土地谋生

      上一篇:英语惯用词组:[生命,生活类]生计,生活 下一篇:英语惯用词组:[生命,生活类]活,生存,生活

