7.A walk in the forest
For several days, Hester Prynne waited for a chance to speak privately with Mr Dimmesdale. She would not go to his house because she was afraid of meeting Roger Chillingworth. Then she heard that the priest had gone to visit a family a little distance away and would be returning the next afternoon, through the forest. 'Come, Pearl,' she said the next day. 'We are going for a walk in the forest.'
The trees were tall and close together, and the path through them was dark and narrow under a grey sky.
Mother,' said little Pearl, 'the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself because it is afraid of something on your bosom. But it will not run away from me, because I do not wear anything on my bosom yet.'
And never will, my child, I hope,' said Hester. 'Now, run away and catch the sunshine.'
Pearl ran off, and Hester smiled when she saw that her child had found a circle of sunshine between the trees. But when Hester came near to it, Pearl said, 'It will go now.'
Hester smiled. 'Look, I can put out my hand and hold some of it.' But when she put her hand into the circle, the sunshine disappeared.
They walked on. Then Hester saw someone coming and said, 'Go and play by the river, child, and leave me to speak to the gentleman who is coming.'
Who is it?' said Pearl.
Can't you see?' said Hester. 'It is the priest.'
And he has his hand over his heart!' said Pearl.
Go now, child, but not too far beyond the river.'
When Pearl had gone, Hester waited under the trees. The priest walked slowly, but he had almost gone by before Hester could find her voice.
Arthur Dimmesdale!' she said, quietly at first, then louder. 'Arthur Dimmesdale!'
Who speaks?' he said, turning quickly. He saw a shadow under the trees, and then he saw the scarlet letter. 'Hester! Hester Prynne! Is it you?'
It is me,' she answered.
He touched her hand, and his touch was as cold as death. They moved back into the shadows of the trees and sat down on a fallen branch. At first they spoke of the weather, the grey sky, the coming storm, but then the priest looked into Hester's eyes.
Have you found peace?' he said.
She smiled sadly, and looked down at her bosom. 'Have you?' she asked.
None! Nothing but misery!' he answered. 'But what else could I expect? You wear your scarlet letter openly, on your bosom, Hester. Mine burns in secret! It is good, after these seven years, to talk to someone who knows the truth. If I had one friend—or even an enemy—whom I could talk to openly each day, then perhaps it would save me. But now it is all lies, all emptiness, all death!'
Hester Prynne looked into his face. 'You have the friend that you wish for; someone to cry with you over your sin. You have me, your partner in sin.' She hesitated, then went on, 'And you have an enemy, and you live with him in the same house.'
The priest jumped up and put his hand over his heart. 'What are you saying? An enemy!' he cried. 'In the same house? What do you mean?'
Oh, Arthur!' she cried. 'Forgive me! In all things except one, I have been true to you. But I agreed to keep a secret. I did it to save your position, Arthur, your work as a priest, here in the town. But I cannot keep the secret any more. I must tell you. The doctor—the old man they call Roger Chillingworth—he was my husband!'
The priest stared at her for a moment—a black, violent look on his face. Then he dropped down on to his knees and buried his face in his hands.
Why didn't I guess it?' he said quietly. 'Or perhaps I did! The horror in my heart when I first saw him, and when I see him now... Why didn't I understand? Oh, Hester Prynne, you don't know the horror and shame this news brings me! He has been secretly laughing at my sick and guilty heart. Woman, I cannot forgive you for this!'
You will forgive me!' cried Hester. 'Let God punish me! You shall forgive me!'
She fell to her knees beside him, put her arms around him, and pulled his head against her bosom, not caring that his face rested on the scarlet letter. She could not allow him to hate her. 'For seven long years, all the world has blamed and hated me,' she thought. 'But I shall die if this weak, sinful, unhappy man hates me too.'
Will you forgive me, Arthur?' she repeated, again and again. 'Don't hate me! Forgive me, please!'
I forgive you, Hester,' the priest replied at last. His voice was sad, but not angry. 'May God forgive us both! We are not the worst sinners in the world. That old man's revenge has been blacker than our sin, Hester!'
Yes!' she whispered. 'We loved one another, we told each other. Have you forgotten it?'
Shh! Hester,' said Arthur Dimmesdale, getting up from the ground. 'No, I have not forgotten!'
They sat down on the tree branch, holding each other's hands. Around them, the trees were dark, and the branches moved noisily in the wind.
What will Roger Chillingworth do now?' asked the priest. 'Will he continue to keep our secret?'
He has a secret nature, and I think he will,' said Hester. 'But he will doubtless find other ways to take his revenge.'
And me! How can I live in the same house, breathing the same air with this deadly enemy?' said Mr Dimmesdale, his hand over his heart again. 'Think for me, Hester! You are strong! Tell me what to do!'
You must not stay with this evil man,' said Hester.
But where can I go? I cannot hide from God,' he said.
God will show mercy,' replied Hester, 'if you are strong enough to take advantage of it.'
Be strong for me!' he answered. 'Advise me what to do.'
Is the world so small, then?' said Hester, looking into his eyes. 'Is there nothing beyond this little town? Walk a few miles from here, and the yellow leaves will show no sign of a white man's feet. There you can be free! A short journey will take you from a world where you have been miserable, to one where you may still be happy! Then there is the sea. It brought you here, and if you choose, it can take you back again. Perhaps to London, or to Germany, or France, or pleasant Italy. You'll be beyond Roger Chillingworth there.'
I can't do it!' answered the priest. 'I cannot walk away and leave my work. Although my own soul is lost, I must do what I can for the other human souls in my care.'
After seven years of misery, you must leave it all behind you!' said Hester, with passion in her voice. 'Begin again. There is happiness to be enjoyed, there is good to be done. Change this false life for a true one! Teach, write! Work among the Indians! Do anything, except lie down and die! Why wait another day in this place? Go now!'
Oh, Hester!' cried Arthur Dimmesdale. 'I am not strong enough, nor brave enough, to go out into the wide, strange, difficult world alone.'
Sadly, hopelessly, he repeated the word.
Alone, Hester!'
You shall not go alone,' she answered, her voice a deep whisper.
privately adv. with no one else present 单独;私下
violent adj. strong and difficult to control 暴躁的
continue v. to keep doing something for a longer period of time without stopping 继续
take advantage of to use a particular situation to get what you want (巧妙地)利用
false adj. completely untrue 假的;不真实的