Iran denies supplying Russia with weapons for use in Ukraine
Iran's foreign ministry on Saturday again rejected allegations that Iran had supplied Russia with weapons "for the Ukrainian war."
Ukraine and many Western allies have accused Moscow of using Iranian-made drones to attack Ukraine in recent weeks. EU foreign ministers are expected to discuss the issue when they meet in Luxembourg on Monday.
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian stressed in a statement from the Iranian Foreign Ministry that "The Islamic Republic of Iran does not and will not provide any weapons for the war in Ukraine. "
"We believe that arming each side in this crisis will prolong the war," said Yabudurasin in a phone call with Portuguese Foreign Minister Joao Gomes Cravinho. There is no belief and no belief that war is the right path, whether in Ukraine or in Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen."
Abdurasin spoke Friday with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Boley. During the call, Josep Borrell reiterated Iran's official neutrality over the war in Ukraine.
"We have defense cooperation with Russia, but our policy on the war in Ukraine is to not supply arms to all parties to the conflict, stop the war, stop expelling people," he said.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Iranian drones were used in Russian attacks on the energy infrastructure of several Ukrainian cities, it said Monday.
The Ukrainian government last month decided to significantly downgrade diplomatic relations with Iran over Iran's alleged arms supply to Russia.
Iran said the decision was "driven by unsubstantiated information provided by foreign media propaganda."
The United States imposed sanctions in September on a company accused of helping deliver Iranian drones to Russia for use in Ukraine.
伊朗外长亚布杜拉辛(Hossein Amir-Abdollahian)在伊朗外交部的一份声明中强调说,“伊朗伊斯兰共和国没有也不会提供用于乌克兰战争的任何武器。”
亚布杜拉辛在与葡萄牙外长克拉维尼奥(Joao Gomes Cravinho)通话时说,“我们认为武装这场危机中的每一方会延长这场战争,”“我们没有认为也不认为战争无论是在乌克兰或是在阿富汗、叙利亚和也门是一条正确的道路。”
亚布杜拉辛星期五在与欧盟外交与安全事务高级代表博雷利(Josep Borrell)通话时重申了伊朗对乌克兰战争持有的官方中立立场。
Iran's foreign ministry on Saturday again rejected allegations that Iran had supplied Russia with weapons "for the Ukrainian war."
Ukraine and many Western allies have accused Moscow of using Iranian-made drones to attack Ukraine in recent weeks. EU foreign ministers are expected to discuss the issue when they meet in Luxembourg on Monday.
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian stressed in a statement from the Iranian Foreign Ministry that "The Islamic Republic of Iran does not and will not provide any weapons for the war in Ukraine. "
"We believe that arming each side in this crisis will prolong the war," said Yabudurasin in a phone call with Portuguese Foreign Minister Joao Gomes Cravinho. There is no belief and no belief that war is the right path, whether in Ukraine or in Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen."
Abdurasin spoke Friday with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Boley. During the call, Josep Borrell reiterated Iran's official neutrality over the war in Ukraine.
"We have defense cooperation with Russia, but our policy on the war in Ukraine is to not supply arms to all parties to the conflict, stop the war, stop expelling people," he said.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Iranian drones were used in Russian attacks on the energy infrastructure of several Ukrainian cities, it said Monday.
The Ukrainian government last month decided to significantly downgrade diplomatic relations with Iran over Iran's alleged arms supply to Russia.
Iran said the decision was "driven by unsubstantiated information provided by foreign media propaganda."
The United States imposed sanctions in September on a company accused of helping deliver Iranian drones to Russia for use in Ukraine.
伊朗外长亚布杜拉辛(Hossein Amir-Abdollahian)在伊朗外交部的一份声明中强调说,“伊朗伊斯兰共和国没有也不会提供用于乌克兰战争的任何武器。”
亚布杜拉辛在与葡萄牙外长克拉维尼奥(Joao Gomes Cravinho)通话时说,“我们认为武装这场危机中的每一方会延长这场战争,”“我们没有认为也不认为战争无论是在乌克兰或是在阿富汗、叙利亚和也门是一条正确的道路。”
亚布杜拉辛星期五在与欧盟外交与安全事务高级代表博雷利(Josep Borrell)通话时重申了伊朗对乌克兰战争持有的官方中立立场。