Antibody Drug Tested as New Tool against Malaria
A new study carried out in the West African nation of Mali found that an experimental drug protected adults against malaria for at least six months. The one-dose drug is the latest possible treatment for the disease spread by mosquitos.
Malaria killed more than 620,000 people in 2020 and sickened 241 million. They were mainly children under the age of 5 in Africa.
2020 年,疟疾导致超过 620,000 人死亡,2.41 亿人患病。他们主要是非洲 5 岁以下的儿童。
The World Health Organization is releasing the first malaria vaccine for children. But it is just 30 percent effective and requires four doses.
世界卫生组织正在为儿童发布第一种疟疾疫苗。但它只有 30% 有效,需要四剂。
The new study tested a very different idea. The drug gives people a large dose of lab-made malaria-fighting antibodies. The vaccine depends on the immune system to make enough of those same infection-blockers after vaccination.
Dr. Kassoum Kayentao is with the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies in Bamako, Mali. He helped lead the study in two small villages in Mali. He said the "available vaccine doesn't protect enough people."
Kassoum Kayentao 博士在马里巴马科的科学、技术和技术大学工作。他帮助领导了马里两个小村庄的研究。他说,“现有的疫苗并不能保护足够多的人。”
During malaria season in some places in Mali, people are bitten by infected mosquitoes on an average of twice a day.
The experimental antibody was created by researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. It is given intravenously, or directly into the veins.
The drug would be difficult to release to a large amount of people. But scientists are also testing a shot version of the treatment, which would be easier to give out.
The U.S. government research was published Monday in the New England Journal of Medicine and was presented at a medical meeting in Seattle.
The antibody works by breaking the life cycle of the parasite, which is spread through mosquito bites. It targets parasites early before they enter the liver, where they can grow and multiply. The drug was created from an antibody taken from a volunteer who received a malaria vaccine.
The research involved 330 adults in Mali. The study participants got either one of two different antibody doses or a placebo – a substance given to a patient like a drug but has no physical effect on the patient. All participants were tested for malaria infection every two weeks for 24 weeks. Anyone who got sick was treated.
该研究涉及马里的 330 名成年人。研究参与者获得了两种不同抗体剂量中的一种或安慰剂——一种像药物一样给予患者的物质,但对患者没有身体影响。所有参与者每两周接受一次疟疾感染检测,持续 24 周。任何生病的人都得到了治疗。
Infections were found by blood test in 20 people who got the higher dose. Infections were found in 39 people who got the lower dose. Eighty-six people who got the placebo became infected during the study period.
在接受更高剂量的 20 人中通过血液检测发现感染。在接受较低剂量的 39 人中发现了感染。86 名服用安慰剂的人在研究期间被感染。
The higher dose was 88 percent effective, compared to the placebo. The lower dose was 75 percent effective.
与安慰剂相比,较高剂量的有效率为 88%。较低剂量的有效率为 75%。
Protection might last during the several months of malaria season.
The cost is not yet known. But one estimate suggests lab-made antibodies could be given for just $5 per child per malaria season.
费用尚不清楚。但一项估计表明,每个疟疾季节每名儿童只需 5 美元即可提供实验室制造的抗体。
Dr. Johanna Daily is with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. She was not involved in the study. She said lab-made antibodies are used to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases and COVID-19.
Johanna Daily 博士在纽约的阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院工作。她没有参与这项研究。她说,实验室制造的抗体用于治疗癌症、自身免疫性疾病和 COVID-19。
"The good news is now we have another, immune-based therapy to try to control malaria," she said.