Control of US Congress Remains Undecided
Republicans made small gains, but Democrats performed better than expected in the midterm elections in the United States. The results left control of the U.S. Congress and the future of President Joe Biden's policies unclear at this time.
All 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives were up for election. The Republican Party needed to gain five seats to win control. By early Wednesday morning, Republicans had won a net of six Democratic House seats. But that number could change as more results are released.
美国众议院 435 名议员全部参加选举。共和党需要获得五个席位才能赢得控制权。到周三凌晨,共和党人已经赢得了民主党众议院的六个席位。但随着更多结果的公布,这个数字可能会发生变化。
In the U.S. Senate, 35 of the 100 seats are being contested. The Senate is currently evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans. However, Vice President Kamala Harris is able to provide a tie-breaking vote for the Democrats. Republicans need to gain only one seat to take the majority.
在美国参议院,100 个席位中的 35 个正在竞争中。参议院目前在民主党和共和党之间平分秋色。然而,副总统卡马拉哈里斯能够为民主党提供打破平局的投票。共和党人只需获得一个席位即可获得多数席位。
Several important races that will decide control of the Senate remained too close to declare a winner. And election officials warned that it could take days before the results are known.
Democrats were successful in winning governor's races in the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Republicans won in Florida and Georgia, with Nevada and Arizona yet to be decided. Those states were important in deciding the winner of the last presidential election won by Biden.
What's on voters' minds?
Just as Republicans had hoped, high inflation was the top consideration for American voters in the midterm elections, a study by VoteCast said. The study of more than 94,000 voters nationwide was conducted for The Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago.
VoteCast 的一项研究称,正如共和党人所希望的那样,高通胀是美国选民在中期选举中的首要考虑因素。芝加哥大学的 NORC 为美联社对全国 94,000 多名选民进行了研究。
About half of voters said inflation weighed heavily in their vote as the costs of food, gasoline, and housing have greatly increased in the past year. About eight out of 10 said the U.S. economy was in bad shape. Some blamed Biden's policies and others said Russia's invasion of Ukraine led to the increase.
A smaller number, 44 percent, said the future of democracy was their main consideration. Biden had said Tuesday's election was a test of American democracy at a time when many Republicans welcomed Trump's claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him.
少数人(44%)表示民主的未来是他们的主要考虑因素。拜登曾表示,周二的选举是对美国民主的考验,当时许多共和党人欢迎特朗普声称 2020 年总统大选被他窃取的说法。
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn its abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade also played an important part in the midterm elections. Voters approved amendments to protect abortion in California and Vermont and defeated an anti-abortion measure in Kentucky. VoteCast showed that about six in 10, especially Democrats, said they are angry or unhappy with the Supreme Court's decision.
美国最高法院推翻其在罗诉韦德案中的堕胎裁决的决定也在中期选举中发挥了重要作用。选民批准了保护加利福尼亚和佛蒙特州堕胎的修正案,并在肯塔基州否决了一项反堕胎措施。VoteCast 显示,大约十分之六的人,尤其是民主党人,表示他们对最高法院的决定感到愤怒或不满。
What's next?
During the campaign, Republicans said they plan to seek cost savings in Social Security and Medicare. Those are the popular retirement and healthcare programs run by the government. They also want to make permanent the tax cuts enacted by Republicans in 2017.
在竞选期间,共和党人表示他们计划在社会保障和医疗保险方面节省成本。这些是由政府运营的受欢迎的退休和医疗保健计划。他们还希望永久实施共和党人在 2017 年实施的减税政策。
Kevin McCarthy is favored to become speaker if Republicans win the majority in the House. He has promised to look for spending cuts in government programs favored by Biden. He told CNN that Republicans would also look closely at continued U.S. arms and financial aid for Ukraine to combat Russia's invasion.
Other Republican lawmakers have promised to investigate Biden's immigration policy at the southern border and the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Some have called for hearings on business activities by the president's son, Hunter.
Biden watched the election results from the White House into the early morning hours of Wednesday. He called to congratulate more than 30 Democratic candidates and told party officials "we're going to surprise the living devil out of people."
周三凌晨,拜登在白宫观看了选举结果。他致电祝贺 30 多名民主党候选人,并告诉党内官员“我们要让人们大吃一惊。”
The Associated Press reported that Biden's aides have been drawing up plans to deal with possible Republican control of one or both chambers of Congress -- a possibility that Biden recognized would make his life "more difficult."
In two years, the Biden administration pushed through bills to deal with the pandemic and rebuild the nation's roads and bridges. It also set climate policies and attempted to increase U.S. competitiveness with China.
Now, aides and allies say, Biden will work to save those gains and prepare his party for the next presidential election.