Morocco Expands Freshwater Efforts, But Needs More Energy
People in Agadir, Morocco, see their new desalination plant as a way to deal with years of too little rain. Dry winters have led to reduced water supplies for homes and agriculture. But plans to expand the country's desalination program may depend on efforts to power it with forms of renewable energy.
Water problems
Smaller desalination plants have been operating in Morocco for years. But, the one that started working in Agadir this summer is by far the biggest. It is also the first plant of its kind meant to deal with reduced rainfall.
Rachid Boukhenfer is a local official. He said, "…without desalination Agadir could not have found enough water to drink and we would have had longer, worse cuts in supply."
Rachid Boukhenfer 是当地官员。他说:“……如果没有海水淡化,阿加迪尔就无法找到足够的水来饮用,而且我们的供应中断时间会更长,情况更糟。”
That early statement about the plant's effectiveness comes as the government plans 12 additional desalination plants. It is part of an expected investment in $12 billion in water projects from 2020 to 2027.
关于该工厂有效性的早期声明是在政府计划 12额外的海水淡化厂。这是 2020 年至 2027 年 120 亿美元水利项目预期投资的一部分。
The new plants will join nine smaller ones already operating. The new ones are supposed to open by 2035, the state water and electricity utility ONEE said in an email.
新工厂将加入九个已经运营的较小的工厂。国家水电公用事业公司 ONEE 在一封电子邮件中表示,新水库预计将于 2035 年开放。
Morocco now depends on surface and underground water for nearly all its freshwater use. Most of it comes from a group of 149 dams.
摩洛哥现在几乎所有的淡水使用都依赖于地表水和地下水。其中大部分来自一组 149 座水坝。
Five years of very little rain, or drought, have left many of the water supplies reduced. Agriculture Minister Mohammed Sadiki recently told parliament most water would be taken from irrigation to supply drinking water.
五年少雨或干旱导致许多供水量减少。农业部长穆罕默德·萨迪基 (Mohammed Sadiki) 最近告诉议会,大部分水将从灌溉中抽取以供应饮用水。
Rainfall is often the biggest issue affecting Moroccan economic growth rates. This year, the cereals harvest was two-thirds smaller than in 2021 and milk output down by 30 percent from the year before.
降雨往往是影响摩洛哥经济增长率的最大问题。今年,谷物收成比 2021 年减少了三分之二,牛奶产量比前一年下降了 30%。
"I'm not even sure I will sow wheat this year because the rainfall has been so late," said Zakaria Khatabi, a farmer in Zhiliga, north of Rabat.
“我什至不确定今年是否会播种小麦,因为降雨拉巴特北部 Zhiliga 的一位农民 Zakaria Khatabi 说。 ONEE 表示,到 2035 年,将对地表水和地下水的依赖度从 97% 降低到 80%。
Renewable energy is an issue
The 12 new desalination plants planned or under way should reduce dependence on surface and groundwater from 97 percent to 80 percent by 2035, ONEE said.
ONEE 表示,到 2035 年,计划或在建的 12 座新海水淡化厂应能将对地表水和地下水的依赖度从 97% 降低到 80%。
Building on the most important plant is to start next year. It will supply Morocco's biggest city Casablanca. The plant could start operations in 2026.
建设最重要的工厂是明年开工。它将供应摩洛哥最大的城市卡萨布兰卡。该工厂可能会在 2026 年开始运营。
However, Morocco depends on imported fuels, such as oil and gas, for most of its power production. Costs for those fuels have added to the country's trade deficit.
Energy represents 45 percent of the total cost of desalination, ONEE head Abderrahim El Hafidi said.
能源占海水淡化总成本的 45%,ONEE 负责人 Abderrahim El Hafidi 说。
Morocco wants to increase renewables as a share of its total power output to 52 percent by 2030 from 20 percent now. The goal is to reduce dependence on imports and lower electricity costs.
摩洛哥希望增加到 2030 年,可再生能源占总发电量的比例将从现在的 20% 提高到 52%。目标是减少对进口的依赖并降低电力成本。
All the new desalination plants, including Agadir, were meant to be powered by renewable energy. But, the Agadir plant is so far being powered directly from the national power supplies.
Reuters reports that a person close to the project said the government is considering an offer for a renewable energy plant. The deal would power the Agadir desalination center in an effort to reduce the cost of water.