Veggie Alternatives to Foie Gras Becoming More Popular in France
Foie gras is a popular Christmas dish in France. Its name means "fat liver" in the French language. It is traditionally made from fattened duck and goose livers.
But vegan and other plant-based alternatives to foie gras are becoming more popular. A severe bird flu this year has decreased the number of ducks as well as the supply of foie gras. Production is expected to fall 30 to 35 percent from last year, while prices will likely rise about 20 percent.
但鹅肝的素食和其他植物性替代品越来越受欢迎。今年严重的禽流感减少了鸭子的数量以及鹅肝的供应。预计产量将比去年下降 30% 至 35%,而价格可能上涨约 20%。
French chef Fabien Borgel runs the "42 Degres" vegan restaurant in Paris. He created what he calls a "faux gras" two years ago. "Faux" means fake or false in French. Borgel's vegan foie gras contains cashew nuts along with sunflower and coconut oil. It looks like traditional foie gras but is a little softer.
法国大厨 Fabien Borgel 在巴黎经营“42 Degres”素食餐厅。两年前,他创造了他所谓的“人造草”。“Faux”在法语中是假的或假的。Borgel 的纯素鹅肝含有腰果以及向日葵和椰子油。它看起来像传统的鹅肝,但更柔软一点。
Borgel says the decrease in supply of traditional foie gras could make more people want to try such alternatives. 42 Degres is putting its "faux gras" on its menu from December through February.
Borgel 说,传统鹅肝供应量的减少可能会让更多人想要尝试这种替代品。从 12 月到 2 月,42 Degres 将把它的“人造肝”放在菜单上。
Foie gras was officially classified as part of the "cultural and gastronomic heritage" of France. However, some countries and places have considered banning it because of worries about the treatment of ducks and geese. Animal rights activists are against foie gras because the ducks and geese must be force-fed in order to enlarge their livers.
鹅肝被正式列为法国“文化和美食 遗产”的一部分。但一些国家和地方出于对鸭鹅待遇的担忧,已经考虑禁止使用。动物权利活动家反对鹅肝,因为鸭和鹅必须被强行喂食才能使它们的肝脏变大。
"You have people that have never tasted foie gras and will never taste it and they want something festive for the year-end parties. Others want to change the way they eat and are heading towards alternatives," Borgel said.
Borgel 说: “有些人从未尝过鹅肝,也永远不会尝到鹅肝,他们希望在年终派对上吃点喜庆的东西。其他人则想改变他们的饮食方式,并正在转向替代品。”
However, not everyone in France is ready for those alternatives. A recent public opinion study released by French foie gras producers found that 77 percent of French people were not ready to change from traditional foie gras to plant-based versions.
然而,并非法国的每个人都准备好接受这些替代方案。法国鹅肝生产商最近发布的一项民意研究发现,77% 的法国人还没有准备好从传统鹅肝转向植物性鹅肝。