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    1、Apex Legends(Apex英雄
    • Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, Mobile
    • 平台:电脑、PS4、PS5、Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、任天堂 Switch、手机
    • Genre: Battle royale shooter
    • 类型: 战争射击游戏
    • Developer: Respawn Entertainment
    • 开发: Respawn Entertainment
    • Release Date: February 4, 2019
    • 发布日期: 2019 年 2 月 4 日 2019年2月4日
    A spin-off of Titanfall that has arguably overtaken its predecessor, Apex Legends exploded onto the scene in 2019 and has continued to satisfy fans and newcomers alike with regular updates and new characters. The hero-shooter has you squad up in teams of three to be the last ones standing as the map shrinks to force confrontations. What makes Apex distinct are the titular Legends: hero characters with their own carefully crafted power sets and abilities that makes finding your favorite a joy. Subsequent updates have regularly added new Legends, limited-time modes, a permanent Arena mode, and more. A handful of Legends are available for free, while the rest can be unlocked by earning in-game currency or spending real money. You can also spend real money on optional cosmetics, though limited-time events also let you earn some special cosmetics for free.
    作为《泰坦天降》的衍生游戏,《Apex Legends》可以说已经超越了前作,它在 2019 年火爆登场,并通过定期更新和新角色不断满足粉丝和新玩家的需求。这款英雄射击游戏让你三人组队,在地图缩小的情况下成为最后站立的人,从而进行强制对抗。Apex 的与众不同之处在于其名为 “传奇”(Legends)的英雄角色,他们拥有自己精心打造的力量组合和能力,让找到自己的最爱成为一件乐事。随后的更新定期增加了新的传奇人物、限时模式、永久竞技场模式等。少数传奇人物可以免费获得,其余的可以通过赚取游戏币或花费真实货币解锁。你还可以花真钱购买可选的化妆品,不过限时活动也能让你免费获得一些特殊化妆品。

    • Platforms: PC, PS4
    • 平台: 电脑、PS4
    • Genre: Fighting
    • 游戏类型:格斗
    • Developer: Blue Mammoth Games, Ubisoft
    • 开发: Blue Mammoth Games, Ubisoft
    • Release Date: April 30, 2014
    • 发布日期 2014年4月30日
    Brawlhalla is a fighting game in the style of Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. series, as you and your opponents duke it out to knock each other out of the arena. Instead of a mash-up of Nintendo stars, though, Brawlhalla offers a roster of more than 60 playable original characters. On top of that, paid cosmetic items reskin the fighters to feature cameos from other series like Star Wars, the WWE, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Free players can find a selection of nine characters that rotate weekly, and you can either earn in-game currency to purchase the full roster, or pay a one-time real-money fee.
    Brawlhalla 是一款格斗游戏,其风格与任天堂的《超级大乱斗》系列如出一辙,玩家将与对手一决高下,将对方击出竞技场。不过,《Brawlhalla》并不是任天堂明星的混搭,而是提供了一个由 60 多个可玩原创角色组成的花名册。此外,付费的外观道具还能为格斗游戏重新换装,使其具有《星球大战》、《WWE》和《忍者神龟》等其他系列的特色。免费玩家可以找到每周轮换的九个角色,您可以赚取游戏币购买全部角色,也可以一次性支付真金白银。

    3、Call of Duty: Warzone(使命召唤:战地)
    • Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5 Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
    • 平台:电脑、PS4、PS5 Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S
    • Genre: Battle royale shooter
    • 类型:战斗射击游戏
    • Developer: Activision
    • 开发:Activision
    • Release Date: March 10, 2020
    • 发布日期: 2020 年 3 月 10 日
    Call of Duty has been a perpetual hit for Activision for years, but its foray into the free-to-play market has made it even bigger. Warzone is similar to other battle royale games in many ways, but it carries the look and feel of Call of Duty with it. As opposed to most battle royale games that eliminate the player upon death, Warzone puts downed players in a Gulag where they can earn their way back. The game initially launched with Trios but has since updated to include Solos, Duos, and Squad options, as well. Other modes include Plunder, where players search for cash drops, and Resurgence, which allows players to come back as long as a member of their squad is still alive. In addition to a steady stream of smaller updates, Warzone outputs larger updates to match the theme of the latest Call of Duty campaign release. And since all of the cosmetics integrate with your Call of Duty profile, you can take your Nikki Minaj or Groot skin between Warzone and standard competitive multiplayer.
    《使命召唤》一直是动视永恒的热门游戏,但其进军免费游戏市场的举动让它变得更加火爆。《战争地带》(Warzone)在许多方面都与其他对战游戏相似,但它却带有《使命召唤》的外观和感觉。大多数对战游戏都会在玩家死亡后将其淘汰,而《Warzone》则将被击倒的玩家关进古拉格(Gulag),让他们自己想办法回来。游戏最初推出的是 “三人组”(Trios)模式,后来更新为 “单人组”、“双人组 ”和 “小队组”(Squad)模式。其他模式包括让玩家寻找现金掉落的 “掠夺”(Plunder)模式和让玩家只要有一名队员还活着就能回来的 “复活”(Resurgence)模式。除了源源不断的小型更新外,《战争地带》还会产出大型更新,以配合《使命召唤》最新战役版本的主题。由于所有化妆品都与《使命召唤》的个人资料集成,因此您可以在 Warzone 和标准多人竞技游戏中使用 Nikki Minaj 或 Groot 皮肤。

    4、Counter-Strike 2(反恐精英 2)
    • Platforms: PC
    • 平台: 电脑
    • Genre: Tactical FPS
    • 游戏类型:战术 FPS
    • Developer: Valve
    • 开发: Valve
    • Release Date: September 27, 2023
    • 发布日期 2023年9月27日
    As the follow-up to one of the most popular ongoing first-person shooters of all time, Counter-Strike 2 had a legacy to live up to. It was effectively meant to replace the original Counter-Strike, as well as its semi-sequel, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Like the originals, CS2 pits teams of terrorists and counter-terrorists against one another across a variety of objective-based modes. Unlike the previous games, though, CS2 moved to the Source 2 engine to deliver a noticeable visual upgrade, performance improvements, and better server architecture. In addition to the visual flair, this upgrade also meant new versions of some of Counter-Strikes most-popular maps. You can play for free, with an optional "Prime Status" upgrade to collect exclusive souvenir drops and weapon cases.
    作为史上最受欢迎的持续性第一人称射击游戏之一《反恐精英 2》的后续作品,《反恐精英 2》不负众望。它实际上是要取代原版《反恐精英》及其半后续游戏《反恐精英:全球攻势》。与原版游戏一样,《反恐精英 2》让敌人和反恐精英团队在各种基于目标的模式中相互对抗。但与前几款游戏不同的是,CS2 采用了 Source 2 引擎,在视觉效果、性能和服务器架构方面都有了明显的提升。除了视觉效果,这次升级还意味着《反恐精英》中一些最受欢迎的地图也有了新版本。您可以免费游玩,也可以选择升级 “Prime Status ”来收集独家纪念品和武器箱。

    5、Crab Game(螃蟹游戏)
    • Platforms: PC
    • 平台: 电脑
    • Genre: Battle royale/Party
    • 类型:皇室战争/派对
    • Developer: Dani
    • 开发:Dani
    • Release Date: October 29, 2021
    • 发布日期: 2021年10月29日
    This indie game inspired by the Netflix series Squid Game has a low-fi look but captures the experience of competing in a series of children's games with fatal consequences. The cheeky description on Steam insists it's "definitely not based on any online streaming pop culture Korean TV shows," but let's be honest. You and dozens of other players progressively get eliminated from the game by playing competitions like Red Light, Green Light, until there's only one left standing. And while the Netflix show is grisly, Crab Game has a goofy, cartoonish look that makes it more silly than intense. It's free to play with optional cosmetic items like backpacks.
    这款独立游戏的灵感来源于 Netflix 的系列剧《乌贼游戏》(Squid Game),虽然外观低调,但却捕捉到了一系列儿童游戏的竞技体验,并带来了严重的后果。Steam 上的描述坚称这款游戏 “绝对不是基于任何在线流媒体流行文化韩国电视节目”,但我们还是实话实说吧。在游戏中,你和其他数十名玩家通过参加 “红灯,绿灯 ”等比赛逐渐被淘汰,直到最后只剩下一个人。虽然 Netflix 的节目很残酷,但《螃蟹游戏》却有一种呆萌的卡通风格,让人觉得它更傻而不紧张。游戏免费,可选择背包等化妆道具。

    • Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch
    • 平台: 电脑、PS4、PS5、Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、任天堂 Switch
    • Genre: Action-RPG
    • 类型: 动作 RPG
    • Developer: Phoenix Labs
    • 开发: 凤凰实验室
    • Release Date: September 26, 2019
    • 发布日期: 2019年9月26日
    An action game in the style of Monster Hunter, Dauntless has you stalking and battling ferocious beasts called Behemoths with up to five friends. Like Monster Hunter, you can then use the materials harvested from beast-hunting to craft better equipment and take on even loftier challenges. As a live game, though, the stream of Behemoths never really stops, and you can continue hunting monsters in perpetuity. Developer Phoenix Labs has added a steady stream of new challenges to tackle, along with other quality-of-life updates. You can start taking down beasts for free, with optional cosmetic items and temporary boosts available for purchase.
    《无畏》是一款类似《怪物猎人》风格的动作游戏,玩家将与最多五位好友一起追踪并对抗名为 “巨兽 ”的凶猛野兽。与《怪物猎人》一样,您可以使用猎野兽获得的材料制作更好的装备,迎接更高的挑战。不过,作为一款实时游戏,比蒙巨兽流从未真正停止过,您可以永远继续狩猎怪物。开发凤凰实验室(Phoenix Labs)为《巨兽》添加了源源不断的新挑战和其他生活质量更新。您可以开始免费捕巨兽,也可以购买可选的装饰物品和临时强化道具。

    7、Destiny 2(命运)
    • Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch
    • 平台: 电脑、PS4、PS5、Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、任天堂 Switch
    • Genre: Action RPG/Looter shooter
    • 类型: 动作 RPG/掠夺射击游戏
    • Developer: Phoenix Labs
    • 开发: 凤凰实验室
    • Release Date: August 28, 2017
    • 发布日期: 2017年8月28日
    Bungie's MMO shooter needs no introduction, but when it first released, it wasn't free to play at all. Like the first game, it began as a full-priced game. Several years and several expansions later, it has fully transformed into an ongoing, F2P live-service game. You can play a significant chunk of Destiny 2's older content for free (including story missions, PvP, and more), and Bungie usually gives free access to some past expansions as it gears up for new ones. Bungie regularly adds new powers and rebalancing in the course of these expansions, and those often fold back into the base game as a default part of the experience, and the whole experience shows off Bungie's particular knack for making a great-feeling shooter experience. New expansions that continue the ongoing story, as well as cosmetic enhancements, are available for purchase.
    Bungie 的这款 MMO 射击游戏无需多做介绍,但它刚发布时,根本不是免费游戏。与第一款游戏一样,它一开始也是一款全价游戏。几年后,经过几次扩充,它已完全转变为一款持续性的 F2P 实时服务游戏。你可以免费游玩《命运 2》的大部分旧版内容(包括剧情任务、PvP 等),而且 Bungie 通常会在为新扩展做准备时免费开放一些过去的扩展。Bungie 会在这些扩展中定期添加新的能力和重新平衡,而这些能力和重新平衡通常会作为默认的一部分返回到基础游戏中,整个游戏体验充分展示了 Bungie 制作出色的射击游戏体验的特殊诀窍。玩家可以购买延续剧情的新扩展内容以及外观增强内容。

    8、Dota 2(刀塔2)
    • Platforms: PC
    • 平台:电脑
    • Genre: Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
    • 游戏类型 多人在线竞技场 (MOBA)
    • Developer: Valve
    • 开发: Valve
    • Release Date: July 9, 2013
    • 发布日期: 2013 年 7 月 9 日
    When Warcraft 3 was modified to make an entirely new game called Defense of the Ancients, aka Dota, it spawned a whole genre. The MOBA genre has become a popular esport, as professional players perfect their strategies of claiming lanes and encroaching on enemy territory while stopping their opponents from doing the same. It was a big risk when Valve brought on Dota-maker Icefrog to develop Dota 2, with the intent of replacing the original. But the gamble has paid off beautifully with a thriving competitive scene ever since. Dota 2 was one of the first games to move to the Source 2 engine, and it has gotten a steady stream of updates and promotional tie-ins. The full roster and items are free for all players, while there are paid cosmetics and an optional monthly subscription offering bonus features.
    当《魔兽争霸 3》被修改成一款全新的游戏《Defense of the Ancients》(又名 Dota)时,它催生了整个游戏流派。MOBA 类型已成为一种流行的电子竞技运动,因为职业玩家们在阻止对手采取同样行动的同时,还完善了自己的策略,即占领通道和蚕食敌方领土。Valve 请来 Dota 制造商 Icefrog 开发《Dota 2》,意在取代原版游戏,这是冒了很大风险的。但这场豪赌得到了丰厚的回报,竞技场景从此蓬勃发展。《Dota 2》是首批采用 Source 2 引擎的游戏之一,并获得了源源不断的更新和促销活动。所有玩家都可以免费获得完整的花名册和道具,同时还有付费的化妆品和可选的包月服务,提供奖励功能。

    9、Fall Guys(糖豆人)
    • Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch
    • 平台:电脑、PS4、PS5、Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、任天堂 Switch
    • Genre: Battle royale platformer
    • 类型: 对战平台游戏
    • Developer: Mediatonic
    • 开发: Mediatonic
    • Release Date: August 4, 2020
    • 发布日期: 2020 年 8 月 4 日
    The wacky platformer takes battle royale in a different direction. Rather than an ever-shrinking arena that forces you into gunfights with other players, Fall Guys gives you a series of tricky obstacle courses as your little bean-shaped characters wobble along it, trying to make it to the finish line. Each round of the obstacle course eliminates some players, and the rest move onto the next challenge until there's only one bean remaining. You can compete for free, with optional cosmetics for purchase. A season pass offers more unlockables for completing challenges.
    这款古怪的平台游戏将战棋游戏带入了一个不同的方向。游戏的竞技场不断缩小,玩家不得不与其他玩家展开枪战,而《Fall Guys》则为玩家提供了一系列棘手的障碍赛道,玩家扮演的小豆豆角色在赛道上摇摇晃晃,努力冲向终点。每一轮障碍赛都会淘汰一些玩家,剩下的玩家进入下一轮挑战,直到只剩下一颗豆子。你可以免费参加比赛,也可以选择购买化妆品。季票可为完成挑战提供更多解锁选项。

    • Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch
    • 平台:电脑、PS4、PS5、Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、任天堂 Switch
    • Genre: Battle royale
    • 类型:对战
    • Developer: Epic Games
    • 开发: Epic Games 史诗游戏
    • Release Date: July 25, 2017
    • 发布日期: 2017 年 7 月 25 日 2017年7月25日
    The 400-pound gorilla of free-to-play games is Fortnite, which has become an absolute juggernaut with so many facets it's hard to capture the full scope of them all. The core game is a battle royale shooter, which is offered both with and without a unique building element that helped define the game in its early days. But Epic has gone on to make Fortnite a platform for live events like concerts, and it's started to integrate additional standalone games like a Rocket League-branded racing game, Rock Band successor, and even a Lego-based sandbox game in the vein of Minecraft. You can try everything that Fortnite has to offer for free, or pay for optional cosmetic upgrades. A regularly rotating season pass is also available for purchase, which often offers cosmetics based on crossovers with other popular brands and characters from Star Wars, DC and Marvel comics, WWE, and much more.
    《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)是免费游戏中的 400 磅大猩猩,它已成为一个绝对的巨无霸,拥有如此多的方面,以至于很难捕捉到它们的全部范围。《堡垒之夜》的核心游戏是一款 “大乱斗 ”射击游戏,既有独特的 “建筑 ”元素,也有不带 “建筑 ”元素的 “大乱斗”。不过,Epic 已经将《堡垒之夜》打造成了音乐会等现场活动的平台,并开始整合其他独立游戏,如《火箭联盟》(Rocket League)品牌赛车游戏、《摇滚乐队》(Rock Band)继任者,甚至是一款与《我的世界》(Minecraft)一脉相承的乐高沙盒游戏。您可以免费体验《堡垒之夜》提供的所有游戏,也可以付费进行可选的外观升级。您还可以购买定期轮换的季票,季票通常会提供与其他流行品牌和角色(如《星球大战》、DC 和漫威漫画、WWE 等)交叉使用的化妆品。
      上一篇:查看所有《游戏交流社区》 下一篇:刀塔2、英雄联盟、风暴英雄,三选一哪个最适合新手入坑?


