And so recently, I came across the findings from Our World in Data, it's a research organization, and they publish this report that shows who we spend our time with across our lifetime. And I think it's something we can all relate to.
最近,我发现了Our World in Data(一个研究组织)的研究结果,他们发布了一份报告,展示了我们在一生中与谁共度时光。我认为这是我们都能感同身受的事情。
So, what they show is that as children, we spend most of our time with our families, and that makes sense, right? They're the ones who teach us, guide us, and help us navigate the world. And then, as we enter adolescence, our time with family tails off, and we spend more time with our friends. It's a crucial time for us to learn how to build relationships. But then, you fast forward to young adulthood, and our focus shifts to romantic relationships. We spend more time with our partner. It's a time when many of us start to settle down and maybe even consider having children of our own. And at around the same time, we spend a significant number of our hours with our coworkers, building the foundations for our future and providing for our families.
But then, as we age, our social networks start to shrink. We retire. The kids leave the house, and we spend an increasing amount of time alone.