The skyrocketing cost of being a homeowner. We all know it's expensive to buy a home, but the cost of already owning and maintaining one is going up too. One big expense: your mortgage. Rates are at the highest they've been in years. But owning a home includes other expenses too, and those bills are getting bigger. Insurance is Meg's new pain point, and nationwide, insurance premiums have soared more than 30% in four years because of big storm payouts and inflation. Another major expense: property taxes, up 4% in a year to more than 4,000onaverage.Andthebiggestmoneydrain:maintenanceandrepairs,anaverageofmorethan6,500 a year. All of those rising costs are flipping the owning versus renting equation for many. With Bankrate finding it's now cheaper in all major cities to rent versus buy.