Are you an extrovert?If you are an extrovert, you actually gain energy from others. Your energy is outward towards people and things. You need a lot of stimulation and have no problem expressing your emotions. You find that your energy is depleted when you spend too much time alone, and you recharge by being social. You like variety and action, and strive for achievement. Many of you also want to change the world, at least in one way or another, and are more willing to put yourself out there and actually do something about it. As an extrovert, you are easily accessible and understandable, and you possess a relaxed and confident attitude. However, you tend to act first and think later.
Are you an ambervert?If you have both extroverted and introverted traits, then you are an ambervert. This means that you generally enjoy being around people, but after a long time, they will start to drain you. Similarly, you enjoy quiet and solitude, but not for too long. You recharge your energy levels with a mixture of social interaction and some alone time.