There comes a time when the blankness of future is so extreme, it's such a black wall of nothingness. And not even of bad things.
It's not even like there is a cave full of monsters that you are afraid of entering in the future. It is just nothingness. It is just horrible. It is horrible to contemplate a futureless future. If that isn't too impossible. Uh, so you just want to step out of it, to step out of the whole race, the whole business. The monstrosity of being alive overwhelms you. You think, "What kind of purpose do I have to live? I mean, are you just here to live and then die? Is there not a purpose for me? Is there not a purpose in life?"
There are some things in life that are out of your control, that you can't change, and you've got to live with them. The choice that we have though is either to give up or keep on going.