See, a lot of people want, want, want, and want. But then, they don't use the discipline that they should to get what they want. So, decide today that you're going to discipline yourself. When you have the discipline to do the things that you really don't want to do, then you earn the right to have the things you really do want to have.
Self-discipline is the key to being able to perform and being able to keep your life on schedule, and being able to keep commitments, promises, and meet deadlines. It is essential to success. Making your bed in the morning will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you will never be able to do the big things right. And if by chance you have a miserable day, you will be able to come home to a bed that is made—that you made. And a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.