1556: Shaanxi, China 明代陕西大地震
Thedeadliest quake of all time might be one of the least talked about,considering it occurred nearly 450 years ago.The 1556 quake claimed the lives of some 830,000 people. Why the massive death toll? Blame the quake's strength (8.0 on the Richter scale, or more than 30 times more powerful than the recent quake inHaiti) as well as timing and location. The pre-modern structures were utterly unable to withstand a quake of such force, and massive landslides contributed to the casualties。
1908: Messina, Italy 墨西拿大地震
Bytoday's standards, the earthquake that struck beneath theMessinaStrait — which separates the regions of Sicily and Calabria —onDecember 28, 1908, was a magnitude 7.5. A subsequent tsunami sentwaves as much as 40 feet high crashing into the Italiancoast. More than80,000 people were killed and dozens of towns destroyed。
1920: Haiyuan, China 宁夏海原地震
The Dec. 16, 1920 Haiyuan earthquake — which registered a 7.8 magnitude onthe Richter scale — caused rivers to change course and sent landslidespouring down mountains. Destruction stretched across seven Chinese provinces. Sujiahe, a town in in Xiji County, was completely buriedunder a landslide. An estimated 200,000 people died in the disaster,which was felt as far away as Norway。
1923: Kanto, Japan 关东大地震
Shortly before noon on September 1, 1923, an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale sent shockwaves through the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area. The violent tremors left few buildings habitable and prompted a tsunami that surged up to 40 ft. (12 m。) high. But the damage continued for days: by thetime the fires stemming from the quake were contained, 90% of Yokohama's buildings were reportedly damaged or in ruins, and sometwo-fifths of Tokyo's had been destroyed — leaving half its population homeless. Nearly 143,000 people died。
1948: Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦大地震
Ina matter of minutes, an October earthquake measuring 7.3 turned thecity of Ashgabat into a pile of rubble. A thousand Soviet doctors,nurses and other medical personnel flooded in from Moscow and othercities to aid sufferers in what is now Turkmenistan. Despite theirefforts, 110,000 people perished。
1970: Chimbote, Peru 秘鲁大地震
The Great Peruvian Earthquake hit the coastal town of Chimbote,Peru on May31, 1970 — measuring a 7.9 magnitude on the Richter scale.Theepicenter of the quake was 15 miles away from the city, in thePacificOcean, yet the disaster claimed the lives of some 70,000 peopleandleft more than 800,000 homeless. Landslides, with debris travelingat speeds of up to 200 mph down the sides of the NevadoHuascaranmountain, destroyed whole villages. Tremors could be felt inLima — some400 miles away。
1976: Tangshan, China 唐山大地震
China has the misfortune to have had the second deadliestearthquake onrecord, the 1976 Great Tangshan Earthquake, which struckinthe country's northeast. It'd be more accurate to call this abinaryquake: an aftershock that struck 16 hours after theinitialtemblormeasured an identical 7.8 on the Richter scale and wasequallydestructive。
2004: Indian Ocean Tsunami 印尼海啸
On Dec. 26, 2004 a 9.2 magnitude earthquake rocked the bottom ofthe Indian Ocean, releasing energy equivalent to that of 23,000 atomicbombs. The largest earthquake in 40 years, the Sumatra-Andamanearthquake (so named because the epicenter was near the west coast ofthe Indonesian island of Sumatra) launched a tsunamiacross the IndianOcean, sending a series of waves as high as 50 feet crashing onto theshores of 11 countries. Some people were swept out tosea while othersdrowned in their homes, unable to escape. According tothe U.S.Geological survey, the official death toll was 227,898.
2005: Kashmir, Pakistan 克什米尔大地震
Kashmir,the site of a prolonged and violent border dispute between India and Pakistan, is beleaguered enough; a massive earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005 only added to the province's woes. Measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale, the quake killed 79,000 and left millions more homeless。
2008: Sichuan Province, China 5.12大地震
The 7.9-magnitude disaster struck the mountainous Sichuan Provinceinwestern China, destroying millions of buildings and causinganestimated $86 billion worth of damage. Nearly 10,000 children diedinschools — trapped under rubble when the buildings collapsed。