上周末,温家宝总理在接受网友提问时透露,去年2月初他去剑桥访问期间发生了一段不愉快的事情,他的母亲就是在那天在电视上看到鞋袭事件(shoe-throwing incident)而突发脑溢血的。同时他也感谢网友们对母亲的关心,表示一定将问候转达给她。
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Saturday that his mother suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when she saw the shoe-throwing incident at Cambridge University on TV last year。
"She still has difficulties in walking" and has suffered vision problems, Wen said during an online chat with netizens。
He said he would deliver the netizens' regards to his mother。
去年2月2日,温家宝总理在剑桥大学礼堂中进行演讲。当时,27岁的德国籍学生 Martin Jahnke大吹口哨,并向讲台投掷鞋子。
A 27-year-old German student Martin Jahnke blew a whistle and hurled a sports shoe at Wen, who was delivering a speech at the concert hall of Cambridge University on Feb. 2 last year。
Let's run back over that unpleasant incident。
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao concluded his week-long official trip to Europe with an eventful day in Britain on 2 February 2009. As one of his last activities in Europe, Wen Jiabao visited Cambridge University in England where he delivered a speech stressing mutual understanding and cooperation。
During his speech at a Cambridge University auditorium, Wen Jiabao was interrupted by a man in the audience. He blew a whistle and began shouting at the Chinese premier。
Many in the audience were upset and told the man to get out。
But instead the man threw his shoe, which landed far from Wen Jiabao on the floor。
Pausing for a few seconds, Wen Jiabao calmly told the audience that the incident would do nothing to hold back the friendship of the Chinese and British people。
University officials quickly removed the protester from the auditorium arresting him later on suspicion of a public order offense。
On its website, the chancellor of Cambridge University released a statement regretting the man's behavior saying the university is a place for considerate argument and debate, not for shoe-throwing。
The Chinese Foreign Ministry also voiced dissatisfaction over the incident。