Hey, it’s Ben, from The Modern Man. One of the cool techniques I talk about at the Dating Power seminar is the Caller Guessing Technique. This is a very interesting and unique technique that you can use when you make that first phone call to a girl to really avoid that awkward moment, that awkward tension that usually happens when you make that first call. So, check it out.
This is very important. This is like a critical point from, you’ve done all that greatwork, you’ve been out interacting, you’ve got her phone number, now it’s like ‘Right, I’ve, I’ve,OK, I’ve got to move forward with this, I’ve gotta take some steps. I need to set up a date to really get to that point where I can establish some sort of dating relationship’ ,whatever it is that you’re looking for.
Why is calling important? Again,it demonstrates confidence; it’s the critical point of moving your interaction forward. So you just need to do it. There’s no two ways about it, just…you need to make that call. Now, there are some guidelines that we’re gonna give you to make that call a lot easier,and these are very effective things that you should follow before and during that first call. The reason why so many guys struggle with the first call, is simply because they don’t know what to do, they don’t know what to say, they don’t know what the structure should be on the phone.