教程:英语漫读  浏览:1161  
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    1. Salad Savior 沙拉救世主

    We all suffer from salad boredom, but if you kick your salads up a notch, it is a great way to get in your veggies and protein. Just mix two cored, diced apples with the juice of one lemon. In a bowl, combine large chunks of watermelon, one head of sliced endive, four chopped celery stalks and one tablespoon of walnut oil. Mix together with the the apple and lemon juice. If you don't have walnut oil, you can substitute for a healthy, flavorful olive oil。


    2. Make Snacking Finite 吃零食要限量

    Having a healthy snack that comes already portion-controlled is a great way to limit your snacking. One tasty chocolate cup only has 120 calories and is filled with delicious sunflower butter. It is also a perfect option for anyone with a nut allergy!


    3. After Dinner Snack Attack餐后点心来袭

    If you are a dessert-lover, try making your own frozen yogurt. Just freeze a cup of your favorite Greek yogurt and let it thaw a few minutes before eating. If you want to try some fun flavors and don't want to freeze it yourself, I love Yasso frozen Greek yogurt bars。


    4. Push Back Dinner 晚餐延后

    If you tend to eat an early dinner and find yourself snacking the night away, try eating a later dinner so you are not as hungry and can keep the snacking to a minimum。


    5. Leader by Breakfast 早餐先行

    Start your morning off right, and the rest of the day will follow. If you start your day with a healthy breakfast like two hard-boiled eggs and a banana, it is easier to stay healthy throughout the rest of the day。


    6. Drink Up! 喝了!

    I can't stress enough how important it is to drink water, and I don't mean the flavored stuff. Good, old-fashioned water can help cleanse the body and actually keep you full. I recommend drinking one liter before lunch。


    7. Portion Control 控制份量

    Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Make sure to keep your portion sizes in check. Try eating off of a smaller plate. Filling up a smaller plate rather than a large one will keep your brain satisfied while keeping the calories down。


    8. Bread Is the Devil 面包是魔鬼

    Like I always say, bread is the devil. I know it is hard, but eliminating processed carbs like white bread and rice will help keep your figure at its best.


    9. Don't Forget Fiber别忘了补充纤维

    Filling up on foods that are high in dietary fiber will not only help keep you fuller longer, but is a great tool to help you lose weight. Try getting your fiber first thing in the morning with your breakfast.


    10. Skip the Cocktails不喝鸡尾酒

    We all know how tempting frozen margaritas and daiquiris can be, but eliminating those sugary drinks will save you tons of calories. If you feel the need to have a drink, go for a bottle of light beer or a vodka and soda with a splash of lime。


      上一篇:外媒要疯了 那些被中国“逼”出来的单词 下一篇:珍爱生命远离奇葩:盘点4大极品男


