Grover Cleveland 格罗弗·克利夫兰(美国第22、24任总统:1885—1889,1893—1897)
6 . Ma, Ma, Where's My Pa?
Grover Cleveland had to deal head on witha scandal while he was running for president in 1884. It was revealed that he had previously had an affair with a widow named Maria C. Halpin who had given birth to a son. She claimed that Cleveland was the father and named him OscarFolsom Cleveland. Cleveland agreed to pay child support and then paid to putthe child in an orphanage when she was no longer fit to raise him. When this issue was brought forth in the campaign and even became a chant "Ma, Ma,where's my Pa? Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha!," Cleveland was honest about the entire affair. This helped rather than hurt him, and he won the election。
1884年,在克利夫兰为总统竞选奔波时,他却不得不分身处理这件丑闻。据说,克利夫兰曾经和一位叫Maria C. Halpin的寡妇厮混过并有了一个孩子。Maria声称克利夫兰就是孩子的生生父亲,并给孩子取名为奥斯卡·福尔瑟姆·克利夫兰(Oscar Folsom Cleveland)。克利夫兰同意提供孩子的赡养费,并在Maria不再适宜抚养孩子之后,出钱将孩子送到了孤儿院。当克利夫兰竞选时,这件丑闻便被曝光,甚至变成了一首打油诗:“妈妈,我的爸爸在哪里?去白宫问问吧!”然而,克利夫兰对此事件却很坦诚,而他的坦诚也帮助他赢得了选举。