寄生的生意 如何用富豪的情报赚钱
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    For most of us, fascination with the ultra-wealthy isa pastime. To the sellers of yachts, mansions andjewelry, as well as to fundraisers and portfoliomanagers, the finding, tracking and pitching of theuber rich is serious business.


    Wealth-X, a digital platform for identifying UHNW(ultra high net worth) individuals, two weeks agoannounced a “multimillion dollar” investment fromthe $8 billion Insight Venture Partners fund, a proof point of growth.

    致力于发现超级富豪的数字平台Wealth-X在两周前宣布,坐拥80亿美元的风投公司Insight VenturePartners为其提供了“数百万美元”的投资,这充分说明Wealth-X增长强劲。

    The platform’s database so far includes more than 100,000 profiles spanning the globe, eachrepresenting a net worth believed to be more than $30 million, based on publicly availableinformation. This collection represents a half or less of the world’s total of such individuals;and it’s a number that keeps growing.


    Co-founded by Mykolas Rambus and David Friedman, Wealth-X competes with Wealth Insight,Wealth Engine, another digital venture, as well as Relationship Science. Employing a staff ofmore than 200 in 13 offices, Wealth-X builds profiles and dossiers of individuals.

    Wealth-X是由麦克拉斯o兰巴斯和大卫o弗里德曼共同创立的,其竞争对手包括金融服务提供商WealthInsight、另一家数码企业Wealth Engine、以及商业决策公司Relationship Science。该公司的13个办事处雇有200多名员工,为超级富豪建立档案和资料。

    A year’s subscription to the service costs $18,000 and includes the services of Wealth-Xemployees, who will sketch the interlocking relationships among the ultra wealthy and fellowmembers of corporate and philanthropic boards. The company’s subscriber list currentlynumbers more than 300.


    So-called “social mapping” could snag an introduction to, say, a reclusive oil wildcatter whoserves on the same symphony board as a friend, client or acquaintance of a Wealth-Xsubscriber.


    “We’re used by eight of 10 of the largest global banks, most Ivy League schools, every yachtmanufacturer and several dozen high-end retailers,” said Rambus, speaking from a conferenceon wealth in Paris. “We’re starting to see an increasing number of casinos become interested inus.”


    Speaking of Wealth-X’s own growth strategy Rambus said it is driven by “five global wealthrelated trends—Wall Street rebalancing, non-profit urgency, luxury brand segmentation,massive wealth transfer, and global wealth creation – that are playing directly into our hands.”


    Rambus, a native Detroiter, is a management alumnus of the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. Five years ago, while employed at Forbes magazine, he was trying to persuadeForbes to expand, digitize and commercialize its Forbes 400 list of the world’s wealthiestpeople.

    兰巴斯是底特律人,毕业于麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),获得管理学学位。五年前任职于福布斯(Forbes)杂志时,他试图说服《福布斯》扩充其全球400富豪榜(Forbes 400),将其转型为数字化产品。

    “We had lots of meetings and discussions but never could quite come up with a decision andan execution plan,” he said.


    Rambus resigned from Forbes and came up with his own plan, in collaboration with Friedman,whom he met socially.


    Forbes, in the meantime, has created a global billionaires list, numbering 1,645, including 268new members in the latest year. Rambus thinks the number is poised to double at least in thenext decade or so, creating tremendous opportunities for organizations that sell luxury items,as well as colleges, foundations and other institutions.


    “For organizations in this ultra wealthy space, the opportunities are tremendous. We are still atthe beginning of a massive wealth creation wave,” he said. “The broader base of UHNWindividuals is set to expand as well.”


    Some UHNWs no doubt like to fly below the radar and aren’t pleased that it’s easier than everto lead solicitors and marketers to them. Some have contacted Wealth-X to let them know thedatabase’s info is spot on – and a few have furnished fresh information.


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