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    To say that the photographer Mario Testino, 60, isa frequent traveler is something of anunderstatement. London is his home, but he is ona plane every third day for his jobs around the worldto shoot campaigns for fashion houses like Chaneland portraits such as the official engagementpicture of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

    60岁的摄影师马里奥·特斯蒂诺(Mario Testino)经常旅行——这么说有点轻描淡写。他家在伦敦,但是为了工作,他每隔三天就要飞往世界各地为香奈儿(Chanel)等服装公司拍摄广告照片,或者承接剑桥公爵和公爵夫人的正式订婚照等人像摄影工作。



    His latest project is the fifth annual Macallan Masters of Photography, an initiative from thewhisky producer based in Craigellachie, Scotland, in which well-known photographers like AnnieLeibovitz and Albert Watson shoot pictures intended to showcase the brand. The assignmenttook Mr. Testino to Beijing. He spent three days at the China Club hotel, a former 17th-centurypalace, photographing his version of a black-tie party inside a whisky club. The Macallan is sellinga limited number of prints of four photographs taken by Mr. Testino along with a bottle ofwhisky that is a blend of a half-dozen single malts (available for $3,500 at premium liquorstores).

    他的最新工作是第五届麦卡伦年度摄影大师项目(Macallan Masters of Photography),安妮·莱博维茨(Annie Leibovitz)和艾伯特·沃森(Albert Watson)等知名摄影师都为它拍过照片,该项目是苏格兰克莱拉奇的威士忌制造商麦卡伦发起的,目的是展示这个品牌。这个项目把特斯蒂诺带到了北京。他住在中国会酒店,17世纪,这里曾是一座王府。他在这里呆了三天,拍摄一个威士忌酒吧里的半正式派对。麦卡伦公司正在销售一款限量版组合,内容包括特斯蒂诺拍摄的四张照片和一瓶威士忌,这瓶威士忌是用六桶不同风味的单一麦芽威士忌混合调制的(高档酒类专卖店有售,3500美元)。

    Mr. Testino recently visited New York to promote the project and spoke on the rooftop of theGramercy Park Hotel about how a destination informs his work and his tips for taking the idealvacation pictures. Following are edited excerpts.


    Q. The final images the Macallan is releasing from your time in Beijing are of people. Wasconveying a sense of place — that you’re in China — important to you?


    A. I started off with the intention of showing the surroundings of the China Club, but when Isaw all the people together, it felt more exciting for me that it wasn’t so well defined wherethey were. They could be anywhere, and I liked leaving that door open.


    That being said, conveying a sense of place is important to me in my work. I love through mypictures to be able to travel through different continents and different social classes, but it’snot always necessary. In this particular case, the characters were so well defined that I feltthat the place might be one element too many so I ended up not showing the environment somuch.


    I have worked in Beijing several times before and love the energy of the city and the blend ofhistorical and modern.


    Since you’re not a landscape photographer, how much does the destination really influenceyour work?


    Interestingly enough, sometimes people will say to me that I don’t need to travel for some ofmy projects because the destination isn’t relevant, but I’m so excited by different places thattraveling just triggers my imagination. It’s almost an obsession to be in the right place for theright image.


    Do you have a favorite city to work in?


    I love Rio, Berlin and Naples, but London, New York City and Los Angeles are the places I go themost, and they are easy because they are geared for my sort of work. Like in L.A., for example,because it’s the heart of the film world, anything you want for a shoot is there whether it’s aSpanish villa or certain kinds of clothes. Not all places are so easy. They might not havelocation vans for hair and makeup, which are important in shoots, and you have to make dowith the choices for wardrobe.


    What advice do you have for travelers who want to make sure they get the best pictures fromtheir trip? Are good shots about having the right camera?


    You don’t need a fancy camera to be able to capture anything. The one on your phone is goodenough; that’s what I use when I’m not working. Getting the right pictures is about openingyour eyes to see what’s magical about a place. I just photographed the city from a window onthis floor and saw all these buildings lit in a beautiful way, which is so New York. But the magicis different depending on where you are. It could be the people, the landscape, the animals oreven the candle in the room. You just have to be curious, and you’ll find it.


    When you’re not traveling professionally, where do you vacation, and how often are you takingpictures?


    I go on holiday about twice a year and generally to Brazil or to home in Peru. I take very fewphotographs.


    What are your travel essentials?


    If it’s a personal trip, I don’t really have any. I’m pretty low-maintenance. When I’m going forwork, it’s my assistants — I have a half dozen who travel with me. If I do a shoot, I have to editthe job on the plane right after, and when I land, I have to start doing the retouching. Todaywe work digitally so everything is raw, and you have to determine if you want the picture blue,green, red, contrasting or not, dark or light. There’s a lot to do, and I’m always surrounded bypeople who are helping me.


    Is jet lag an issue for you?


    I am very lucky it isn’t. I can sleep at anytime and anywhere, but I do need my eight hours.


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