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    One of the most counterintuitive traits that can hurtentrepreneurs is smarts. Yes, the more successfulyou are and the more talents you have, the harder itis to run a business.


    While you may think that being smart, motivatedand talented would logically make someone thebest possible candidate for entrepreneurship,unfortunately, this is often not the case.


    The ‘I’m better than everyone at every task’ challenge.





    The smart-people problem starts back in school when the dreaded “group projects” are firstassigned. Knowing the 80/20 rule for work (80% of all work is done by 20% of the people),what do you think happens in every group project? The smartest and most talented people ineach group decide that they are going to do the lion’s share of the work. They don’t want torisk their grade in the class by dividing the work equally and hoping that Timmy (the guy who isabsent from class two days a week on average and sleeps through class on the other threedays) does his part well, if he remembers to do it at all. In school, there isn’t any benefit intrying to get Timmy up to speed quickly. Forget that — the smart people just take over and dothe whole project themselves.


    And thus begins the smart-people work cycle. The smartest people do just about everythingbetter than most everyone else. They write better, plan better and reason better. They arebetter, until it comes to running a business. Then, they are not better; they are screwed.


    There are only 24 hours in each day and a person does need to sleep, eat, shower and docertain other things. So, each day, this smart person tries to do everything himself, becausehe can’t stand someone else doing a job badly. Then, he is stuck with the one-man band “job-business” and ends up not being able to grow.


    Why slackers can reign supreme as entrepreneurs.


    It is interesting, but actually, some of the slackers are better suited for entrepreneurship thanthe “smart” people. Why? They figured out early on to surround themselves with smart peoplewho would do the work. They know how to delegate and sometimes, how to manipulate otherpeople into doing things that they don’t want to do.


    You’re only as smart as you can automate.


    Ideally, smart people would just be able to convey their talents to others. But since the smartpeople are so used to doing everything themselves, they don’t learn the key skills for makingtheir business successful, including automating and delegating as many tasks as possible. As asmart person, you need to use your smarts and talents to boil down their essence in an easyto follow format that anyone can replicate.


    Too smart for your own good.


    Smart and talented people also often have a flair for the unusual, complicated or different.They don’t like to follow the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid), which is required to make abusiness succeed.


    If you think of the assembly line in a fantastic manufacturing plant or the global presence ofMcDonald’s, they both seem complex, but in reality, they are a series of incredibly simplefunctions. Every single task is broken down into easy-to-follow steps. The assembly line workerrepeatedly performs a few tasks that are specifically defined. So does the McDonald’s cook,cashier and drive-thru order taker. There is little input from these individuals, as everything hasbeen standardized for them.


    Some of the largest, most successful businesses in the world aren’t staffed in their majority bythe smartest people. They are actually staffed in large part by regular, average (and sometimes,stupid) people. These successful entities have just a few people who are smart enough tostandardize, automate and delegate the majority of the tasks in a way that can’t be screwedup by their average employees.


    So, being smart or talented isn’t going to help you unless you can use those smarts to figureout a way to simplify those tasks that will make a business successful. This isn’t easy, becauseit goes against everything that you have ever done and is counter to how you were taught tothink. However, it is necessary for a business to succeed and why smarts and talent alone don’tpredict entrepreneurial success.


    Too much to lose.


    Another issue with the smart people starting businesses is that they often have the most tolose. The smarter you are — unless you have the social graces of a wild ape — the moreoptions you have available to you. You will be able to make a lot of money in a variety of fieldsand have room in your career to become promoted and make even more money.


    This means that when you start a business, you have a lot more to risk than someone whomakes less money and has fewer career options. This is often referred to as the “goldenhandcuffs” dilemma. Because you have more to risk, this means that you need to have abusiness opportunity that is going to provide an even bigger reward for it to be worth it toyou.


    If you make $250,000 a year (or have an opportunity to do so), your business is going tohave to be five times more successful than the business of someone making $50,000 a year toget the same return. Additionally, it is a lot harder to found a business that will double youryearly profit when you make $250,000 a year than it would be if you make $50,000 a year.


    So, with the most to lose, a wide range of other options available and the penchant for moreintricate, complex endeavors, don’t be surprised when the person “Most Likely to Succeed”from high school ends up in corporate America and it is one of the more average students thatfinds success in his or her own business.


    This blog is adapted from my bestselling book, The Entrepreneur Equation.


      上一篇:上海迪士尼开业时间延至2016年 下一篇:麦当劳CEO黯然下台 为什么董事会不再给他时间了


