维他命饮料 究竟是好是坏
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    Companies are increasingly adding vitamins andminerals to juices, sports drinks and bottled water,responding to a growing consumer demand for theseproducts. Even though the amounts of addednutrients in these drinks are typically small, somenutrition scientists are concerned that throughtheir overall diets, many people may be ingestinglevels of vitamins and other nutrients that are notonly unnecessary, but potentially harmful.




    “You have vitamins and minerals that occur naturally in foods, and then you have people takingsupplements, and then you have all these fortified foods,” said Mridul Datta, an assistantprofessor in the department of nutrition science at Purdue University. “It adds up to quite anexcess. There’s the potential for people to get a lot more of these vitamins than they need.”

    “食物中本来就含有维生素和矿物质,还有人服用补充剂,还有这些营养强化食品,”普渡大学营养科学系助理教授姆里杜尔·达塔(Mridul Datta)说,“所有这些加起来,就太多了。人们摄取的维生素可能比他们需要的多很多。”

    Today more than ever, studies show, the average person is exposed to unusually high levels ofvitamins and minerals. Already, more than half of all adults in the United States take amultivitamin or dietary supplement. Bread, milk and other foods are often fortified with folicacid, niacin and vitamins A and D.


    A study published in July found that many people are exceeding the safe limits of nutrientintakes established by the Institute of Medicine. And research shows that people who takedietary supplements are often the ones who need them the least.


    Particularly concerning, experts say, is the explosion of beverages marketed specifically fortheir high levels of antioxidants, like Vitaminwater, POM Wonderful, Naked Juice and manyothers. The body requires antioxidants to neutralize free radicals that can damage cells andtheir DNA. But it also uses free radicals to fight off infections and cancer cells, experts say, andwhen antioxidants are present in excess, it can throw things out of balance.

    专家称,最令人忧虑的是,市场上出现了大量专门以高含量抗氧化剂为噱头的饮料,比如维他命水(Vitaminwater)、POM Wonderful石榴汁和裸汁果汁(Naked Juice)等。人体需要用抗氧化剂来中和自由基,因为自由基会破坏细胞和DNA。但是专家说,人体也用自由基来对抗传染病和癌细胞,如果抗氧化剂过多,会打破身体平衡。

    A study published this month analyzed 46 beverages — both with and without sugar — sold insupermarkets alongside bottled water. It found that many of these drinks contained vitaminsB6, B12, niacin and vitamin C in quantities “well in excess” of the average daily requirements foryoung adults.


    Eighteen of these drinks contained more than triple the daily requirement for B6. Eleven hadmore than three times the requirement for B12. And a half dozen had more than three timesthe requirement for niacin or riboflavin. Some of these products promised improvements inenergy and immune function, while others promoted “performance and emotional benefitsrelated to nutrient formulations that go beyond conventional nutritional science,” theresearchers said.


    The most common nutrients added were vitamins that are already plentiful in the averageperson’s diet, so their widespread inclusion in these drinks is almost completelyunnecessary, said Valerie Tarasuk, the lead author of the study and a nutrition scienceprofessor in the faculty of medicine at the University of Toronto.

    这项研究的主要作者、多伦多大学营养科学教授瓦莱丽·塔拉苏克(Valerie Tarasuk)说,饮料中最常添加的营养素是人们日常饮食中大量存在的维生素,所以在饮料中普遍添加这些营养素几乎毫无必要。

    “It’s very hard to figure out the logic the manufacturers are using to do this fortification,”she said. “There’s no way that the things that are being added are things that anybody needsor stands to benefit from.”


    Sugary drinks were just as likely to be concentrated with vitamins as those that were sugar-free. Dr. Tarasuk said that as sugar has become the focus of public health concerns aboutbeverage consumption, “this extreme micronutrient addition has fallen under the radar.”


    In nature, there are checks and balances that prevent overconsumption of vitamins andantioxidants, she said. It is hard to ingest too much niacin, for example, by eating whole foodslike mushrooms, fish or avocados, which are natural sources of niacin that come bundled withfiber, protein and fat. But someone can easily exceed the daily recommendation for niacinwith a single bottle of “formula 50” Vitaminwater, which contains 120 percent of the daily valuefor it (along with 120 percent of the values for vitamins C, B6, B12 and pantothenic acid).


    “You couldn’t possibly get that much from any natural foods,” Dr. Tarasuk said. “That’sconcerning to me as a nutrition scientist because we don’t know what the effects of chronicexposure may be. With these products, we’ve embarked on a national experiment.”


    A nationwide study carried out by the National Institutes of Health in 2012 found thatAmericans who take vitamins and supplements were already getting large amounts of nutrientsfrom their food, and on top of that they had the lowest prevalence of vitamin deficiencies tobegin with. The study found that supplement use put these people at increased risk ofpotentially excessive consumption of folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and vitaminsA, C and B6.


    Added vitamins may clearly aid some people, including women who are pregnant or lactating, orthose with specific nutritional deficiencies. But for much of the general population today, thereis no scientific justification for a high intake of vitamins and minerals, said Mara Z. Vitolins, aregistered dietitian and professor of epidemiology and prevention at Wake Forest BaptistMedical Center.

    添加维生素无疑可以帮助某些人,包括孕期或哺乳期妇女,以及那些的确缺乏营养的人。但是韦克福里斯特浸礼会医疗中心的注册营养师、传染病预防教授玛拉·Z·维托林(Mara Z. Vitolins)说,对如今的大部分普通人来说,没有科学依据证明需要摄入这么多维生素和矿物质。

    When consumed in excess, some water-soluble vitamins like B and C are excreted in the urine.But fat soluble-vitamins – including A, D, E and K – accumulate in tissues, posing potentialrisks.


    “These fat soluble vitamins are very stable,” she said. “They’re not released in the urine. If youare over-consuming them, you can raise your levels gradually over time and get into troublewith liver function. You have to be very careful with them.”


    Data from clinical trials have highlighted clear risks from excess. A large study published inJAMA in 2009, for example, looked at clinical trial data on more than 6,000 heart diseasepatients who were treated daily with either B vitamins or placebo over a seven year period. Thestudy found that those who were given folic acid and B12 had higher mortality and cancerrates.


    In 2012, a review of 78 clinical trials involving 300,000 people that was published in theCochrane Database found that antioxidant supplements like beta carotene, vitamin A andvitamin E actually increased mortality. A year later, the United States Preventive Services TaskForce concluded that there was “limited evidence” that taking vitamins and minerals couldprevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

    2012年发表在《科克伦数据库》(Cochrane Database)上的一项研究回顾了涉及30万人的78个临床试验。这项研究发现,β-胡萝卜素、维生素A和E等抗氧化补充剂实际上提高了死亡率。一年后,美国预防服务工作组断定,服用维生素和矿物质能预防癌症和心血管疾病的“证据有限”。

    The task force noted that two clinical trials had found “small, borderline” reductions in cancerincidence in men who took multivitamins. But the group also said there was good evidencethat high doses of antioxidants could cause harm.


    The federal food fortification program in the United States began in the early 1900s with thegoal of addressing urgent and established nutrient deficiencies. Research showed, forexample, that women in their childbearing years were not getting enough folic acid. Since breadand cereal were staples of their diets, folic acid was added to these foods – and as a result therate of neural tube defects in infants has fallen significantly.


    Before 1920, iodine deficiencies were common in some parts of the country. A lack of iodinecan lead to goiters, miscarriage, congenital abnormalities and severe learning disabilities. So thewidespread fortification of salt with iodine was started in 1924. In the 1930s, vitamin Ddeficiency was linked to rickets. That discovery led in 1933 to the fortification of milk withvitamin D.


    Other foods were enriched with additional nutrients – niacin and iron were added to flour, forexample – in the decades that followed.


    But in most if not all of these cases, there was a compelling scientific reason for doing so.


    “The reason behind the fortification program was to bring our nutrient intake to areasonable place, and it targeted nutrients that we were lacking,” Dr. Vitolins said.


    Early on, fortification was limited to a few select foods, in part so the program would notcreate nutritional imbalances. In an attempt to prevent indiscriminate fortification, the Foodand Drug Administration proposed restricting the number of foods that could be fortified toeight, and it specified which nutrients could be added.


    But that proposal was shot down in the 1970s, and over the years Congress went on torestrict the F.D.A.’s authority over fortification and dietary supplements. This helped openthe door to the eventual explosion of vitamin enhanced beverages and sports drinks, whichtoday account for sales of more than $18 billion a year in the United States alone.


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