FT社评 英国不应限制留学生
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    Theresa May, Britain’s home secretary, has barelydisguised her ambition to succeed David Cameronas Conservative leader. To achieve this, she hasworked hard to burnish her credentials with theTory right. This has sometimes led her to takepositions that appeal to backbench MPs but aremuch harder to square with Britain’s economicinterest.

    英国内政大臣特里萨•梅(Theresa May)几乎从不掩饰其想接替戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)成为保守党(Conservative)领袖的野心。为达成这一目的,她一直努力让自己在保守党右翼面前显得更具资格。有时,这使得她采取了取悦后座议员的立场,但却很难与英国的经济利益保持一致。

    Immigration is one issue on which Ms May has allowed personal political tactics to trumpsensible policy. The latest sign of this is a proposal that emerged from her office over theweekend regarding foreign students who have graduated from British universities and want towork in the UK.


    As is well known, the principle of free movement across the EU means the UK can do nothingto stop European citizens working in Britain. If they are to cut migration, the Conservativestherefore must restrict entry for people from outside the EU. Hence, students from India,China and the Middle East are increasingly in Ms May’s sights.


    These individuals hope to study in UK universities, and part of the attraction is that they mightlater find a job in Britain. Ms May has already made this harder, insisting that applicants for awork visa must earn at least £20,500 a year. Now she is going further. According to heradvisers, the home secretary wants the next Conservative manifesto to propose that non-EUstudents must leave the UK after graduation before applying for a new visa of any kind.


    Colleges and universities that sponsor foreign students would be legally required to overseetheir departure — and would be fined if they failed to do so.


    Ms May’s proposal may appeal to some on the Tory right but runs against the country’sinterest. Britain needs to do far more to attract students from China and India. Highly skilledimmigrants are precisely the ones that a developed economy needs. Her idea would also harmBritish universities — one of the country’s few export successes. Ms May’s restrictions, andtheir accompanying rhetoric, have already seen university enrolments from India drop byalmost 50 per cent.


    The government should ensure that foreign students do not stay in the UK illegally aftergraduation. But it is self-defeating to force them to leave immediately. Foreign graduates are indemand in the US and Europe, and will go somewhere more welcoming.


    The Conservatives have wisely lowered the temperature on immigration. Mr Cameron recentlymade a conciliatory speech, stressing the contribution migrants make to the UK. Ms May’sintervention is a piece of low politics. Her cabinet colleagues should treat it with the disdain itdeserves.


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