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    In pop culture, ninjas tend to be portrayed assword-wielding, shuriken-throwing, black-cladwarriors. In actuality, ninjas favored knives overswords as they were easier to conceal. They didthrow shurikens, but the stars were used as adistraction more often than they were used asweapons. And despite popular belief, ninjas woredark blue—not black. Of course, the gap between thehistorical accuracy of ninjas and their modernportrayal can all be written off as artistic license.However, even on the rare occasions when they areaccurately portrayed, there are a number of ninja tools and weapons that never seem to getairtime.


    1、Cat's Eyes


    Just like modern special forces and intelligences agents, timing was very important to ninjas.Although they didn't have the stopwatches that we have today, they had something just asgood—and definitely more creative.


    Ninja's were trained in nekome-jutsu, which was the ability to tell time just by looking at a cat'seye very closely. Cats have very sensitive eyes, and their pupils adjust to the changing lightthroughout the day. In early morning, a cat's pupils are round and fully open to allow in asmuch light as possible. Between around 8:00 AM and noon, their pupils become more oval-shaped to block out the excess light as the Sun rises higher. A cat's pupils are narrowest atnoon when the Sun is at its peak. With this knowledge, ninjas were able to accurately guess towithin the hour what time it was. Whether they carried the cats around on their wrists,however, remains a mystery.




    In the old days, whether in Asia or Europe, the best way to protect a fortress was a moat.Since most of a ninja's targets tended to be upper class, this was an obstacle they facedregularly. Most movies handle this by showing the silent warriors leaping across the moat in asingle flip or running across the water. In reality, ninjas used a tool called a mizu-gumo, whichtranslates to "water spider."The device was made of four curved planks of either wood orinflatable animal hide that were strung together with a fifth plank in the middle. To this day,historians are not completely sure how mizu-gumo were used. The obvious guess is that thefifth plank was worn on the foot and, with another one on the other foot, allowed the ninja towalk on water. Unfortunately, as Biblical as that sounds, such methods have been disproved.Another theory is that it was used as a raft, which is more plausible. Most likely, the mizu-gumo was used more for wading through swampy marshes than to stay afloat on top of thewater


    3、Saoto Hikigane





    As spies, it was vital that ninjas had good hearing. Sometimes they were just hired to learninformation. Other times, they listened to the guards making their rounds to learn theirschedules. Bottom line: Eavesdropping was a large part of the ninja job description. To aid inthat endeavor, ninjas used a listening tool called a saoto hikigane.It's been nicknamed the “eartrumpet” because that's exactly what it looks like. Saoto hikigane were cone-shaped and weremade of metal or sometimes wood. The size of the tool varied, with some being moreconcealable than others. The ninja would place the wide end to a wall so that the sound comingthrough was magnified and funneled into his or her ear. It worked the same way cupping ourhand to our ear or placing a cup to a wall does.







    Ninjas were expert fighters, but even they couldn't fight chilly temperatures without a little help.Ninjas often used body warmers named donohi to survive long stakeouts in cold weather. Thebody warmers were commonly made of bamboo, iron, or copper. They contained flammablematerials such as gunpowder, alcohol, and cloth. A fire-starting tool called a tsuketake wasusually attached to the donohi to set the fuel ablaze. Once lit, the fuel could burn for hours,even days.Since so much of a ninja's job involved using their hands, the last thing they wantedwas for their fingers to go numb from the cold or for them to get frostbitten. Donohi were veryuseful in protecting them from such dangers. Also, as a fast and portable source of fire, itcould be used for anything from setting an enemy's home on fire to cooking food. It was acigarette lighter: ninja style.




    It is well documented that ninjas could turn just about anything into a weapon. Of course,having something long and sharp hidden in their hair didn't hurt, either. Enter the kanzashi. Infeudal Japan, women often wore long, ornamental hairpins called kanzashi. The pins were notdangerous in and of themselves, but in the hands of a ninja, they could be used to attack vitalpoints and nerve clusters. They could also be sharpened and used as knife-like weapons, eitherfor defense or for an attack. Dipped in poison, the hairpins became an assassinationtool.Kanzashi were ideal weapons for kunoichi (female ninjas), who favored small weapons thatcould be concealed in plain sight. Due to the popularity of the hairpins among women,kunoichi could carry them without anyone giving them a second look. This is proof that even aninja's fashion accessories are dangerous.


    6、Pencil Cases


    It's said that the pen is mightier than the sword. Usually, that isn't meant to be taken literally—but in the hands of a ninja, a pen could be outright fatal. Ninjas tried not to go anywherewithout a yatate. This was a small cylinder that was sometimes made from bamboo, althoughthey were usually made out of metal. At one end was a small container to hold ink, while therest of the cylinder was hollow to hold a small calligraphy brush.Its use as a weapon aside,it is important to again remember that ninjas were spies. Yatate were vital to their ability towrite down their observations of their targets and record information as they gathered it. In anattack, however, ninjas were able to conceal spikes, needles, and even poison in the yatateinstead of a writing brush. Like the kanzashi, no one had reason to be suspicious of pencilcases that most people carried anyway.

    古语说笔比剑更危险。通常这只是字面上的意思,但在忍者手中,笔可能完全具有致命性。忍者走到哪里都带着一种笔。这是一个的小圆柱形状物品,通常用金属制作,有时也用到竹子。笔一端有一个小空腔承装墨水,其余部分是空心的,装着一个小的笔刷。不要忘了忍者还是间谍,笔除了用作武器, 对于间谍也是很重要的。至关重要的是这种笔能够记录下来目标们的一举一动。然而,在实施攻击时,忍者能够将长钉、针甚至是毒药代替笔刷藏在匣中。像簪子一样,没有人会怀疑人们携带的笔匣会成为致命武器。






    Ninjas were tough as nails, so it comes as no surprise that even their fingernails would beweaponized. Metal fingernails called neko-te were a favorite among female ninjas. The nails wereattached to the fingers in numerous ways. Sometimes, they were molded in a way similar to athimble. Other times, they were attached by a band around the fingertips like a ring. The nailsthemselves were usually made of iron, but in a pinch ninjas would use thin pieces of bamboo.Even old hairpins and jewelry could be fashioned into razor-sharp nails.The weapon's namewas inspired by the claw-like appearance of a cap being worn on each finger. “Neko” means“cat” in Japanese, and “te” translates to “hand.” It is important to note that this weapon wasused exclusively by female ninjas. Kunoichi training stressed the use of lightweight and easilyconcealable weapons.




    Ninjas were masters of stealth and were trained to be able to approach enemies silently.However, there were times when a completely silent approach was impossible even for ninjas.Walking silently through a forest of dead leaves or crunchy snow was no easy feat. Even juststepping on a twig could reveal one's position and ruin an entire mission. For such occasions,ninjas often carried a small box or jar of crickets. The chirping of the insects disguised anystray sound the ninjas made.Ninjas had a special mixture of chemicals to make sure thecrickets chirped when they needed them to. It also made sure they didn't chirp when the ninjaneeded silence. Given how common the sound of crickets chirping is, enemies had no reasonfor suspicion. As a matter of fact, the opposite was usually the case—insects and birds oftenstop chirping when a human or other predator is near. Even if they moved silently, ninjascarried crickets to keep the silence of nearby animals from announcing their presence.




    As stealthy as they were, this was not the main reason ninjas were known for invisibility—it wasbecause they used a wide array of blinding powders. Ninja were resourceful, never makinganything that they could find ready-made. Therefore, their favorite containers for blindingpowders were eggshells. Ninjas would use a needle to poke a hole in an eggshell withoutbreaking it, then drain it contents. Once the eggshell was empty, ninjas would fill it with thingssuch as iron filings, salt, powdered peppers, and so on. Anything that could bring tears to anaverage person's eyes was potentially an ingredient. In battle, ninjas would smash the loadedeggs in their opponent's eyes, blinding them.The eyes weren't the ninjas' only targets—theyalso made sure to include substances that were sure to irritate the nose and respiratorysystem. Even if their opponent was only weakened for a moment, it gave the ninja theadvantage and more than enough time to either press forward with an even stronger attack orescape easily.



    That's right—rice. Leave it to ninjas to turn dinner into a top-secret tool. As spies andassassins for hire, the most important part of a ninja's job was secretly passing alonginformation. Their best method for doing this was goshiki-mai, which means five-colored rice.The rice was painted red, blue, yellow, black, or purple and used to send codes. Ninjas woulddrop the rice by the side of the road or any other inconspicuous place. Their enemies and otherregular people wouldn't notice the rice, but ninjas from the same clan would be on the lookoutfor such things. Based on the combination of colors they dropped or the number of grains,the ninjas could make over 100 different codes.Not only was goshiki-mai a genius spy tool, itwas safe from birds, too. The paint kept the birds from mistaking the grains from seeds andeating them.


      上一篇:印尼史前岩画可追溯至4万年前 下一篇:全世界21个独特的婚礼传统


