
The short answer: overwhelmingly male andilliterate. According to the China Society forResearch on InternationalProfessional Personnel Exchange and Development, 74 percent ofexpats in China are male.In terms of nationality, 34 percent come from North America, 28percent fromEuropean countries and 21 percent from Asia. Awhopping 73 percent of thembarelyspeak Chinese – even though 30 percent have been living in China for 5-10years and 20percent have been here for more than a decade. Clearly, companieslooking for expat workersaren't interested in providing Chinese lessons.
Along with summarizing demographics, thesurvey asked what expats what they didn't likeabout their lives in China. Asidefrom language barriers and constant visa-renewing troubles,the majority offoreign expats are concerned with education for their children, and medicalandsocial insurances offered by their employers.

Of the 2000+ foreigners who participated insurvey, more that 70 percent are satisfied with theirlives in China, and 75percent of their employers said that they were satisfied with theirexpatemployees. Just 17 percent expressed a little dissatisfaction with their lives,but stillwished to continue working in China. Fortunately, only 3.3percent reported to be extremelydissatisfied with their professional lives, andwanted to leave as soon as their contractsterminated.
Foreigners in China complain a lot aboutpollution, racism, and the inability to securepermanent residency status.Despite all this, one study showed that China is actually thebestplace for expats looking to make money. The Chinese government is stillunsatisfied withthese results, and in fact, they think “Chinaneeds to do better to hire and keep professionalexpats.” So hang in there,semi-professional English teachers!