1。穿孔,纹身,和伤疤:根据"handi-cap" 理论,身体健康并且有很好基因的男人可以承担涉及注射器,墨水和武士刀的行为风险。把它作为展示自己身体健壮的方式。

2. Money, Money, Money... Money: A study by evolutionary psychologist David Buss foundthat women from 37 cultures around the world value high earning potential and good financialprospects in a partner. Even Zambia ladies love a sugar daddy.
3. A Deep Voice: Women value physical symmetry because it's a sign of good health and goodgenes for the screaming hordes of babies they plan to make with you. The deeper a man'svoice, the more likely he is to be symmetrical. Just the way it is.
4. Height: Tall men make more money and have more babies.
5. A V-Shaped Torso (Hit the Gym): If you look like you row, swim, or moonlight as asuperhero, women dig your body. If you're shaped like a Family Guy character, they do not.
6. Sense of Humor: Dr. Cindy M. Meston says that women like men who make them laugh. Men,she says, prefer women who laugh at their jokes.
7. Her Past (How You Remind Her of it): Women create a mental "love map" of their romanticlife based on past experiences.
8. Smell: There is no single most-attractive scent, but studies show that women can smellsymmetry, just like they can hear it. This is why you should not mask your natural scent withbody spray, Mr. The Situation.
9. Confidence(Have it): Few women are attracted to wimpy guys and most women are notattracted to ant jerks. Real confidence is the ability to switch between bravado and humilitywithout worrying about appearing vulnerable.