It’s the class break. Wang Yumu, 21, walks into the lecture theater where his girlfriend has been taking classes. Students whoop and holler when they see the flowers in Wang’s hand. Speaking through a microphone on the platform, Wang says: “Sorry, honey. Please forgive me.”
His surprising and romantic apology was irresistible. His girlfriend, Kao Xianghong, 21, took the flowers and walked out arm in arm with her prince.
But the romantic moment later became a headache for the lovebirds from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Curious students checked out their Renren pages; strangers came up in the street and asked Kao, “Are you the heroine of the wooing incident?”
Neither Kao nor Wang is used to being in the spotlight. “I wasn’t planning to seek attention. I just acted on impulse,” said Wang. That day, after seeing Kao walk off angrily, he rushed to a flower shop and took out all his money.
Wang’s public apology is one of many campus incidents which have hit the headlines. In each case a surge of adrenaline, rather than any intention to seek publicity, is the cause.
Those involved didn’t anticipate criticism from Internet users or phone calls from journalists. They just went ahead and set off firecrackers in front of dorm buildings or ran naked.
“Teenagers and young people in their 20s have few scruples. They do what they want, regardless of the consequences,” said Hou Jing, an instructor at the college of philosophy and sociology at Beijing Normal University.
北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院讲师侯静表示:“ 20多岁的年轻人没什么顾忌。他们只是做自己想做的事,丝毫不计后果。”
Chinese youngsters have also been influenced by Western culture which advocates individuality and directness.
Chen Yong, 25, a graduate from South China Normal University, streaked across the campus after his school’s soccer team won last year’s provincial tournament.
Chen (not his real name) chose the opening night of the World Cup to pull his stunt. Wearing a pair of black glasses and make-up to disguise his identity, Chen was almost naked, except for streamers that barely covered his private parts. As he ran, Chen screamed: “I love soccer. I love the World Cup.”
陈勇(化名)选择在世界杯开幕当晚实施这一惊人之举。他戴上墨镜,并靠化妆来掩盖身份。 除了私处用一些彩带勉强遮盖,他几乎周身全裸。陈勇一边奔跑一边高呼:“我爱足球。我爱世界杯。”
Chen said, “It’s all about the timing.” He was excited about his team’s victory and the World Cup. But he was also sad that he would soon have to part from his buddies after graduation.
“Those mixed emotions sparked a desire to do something to make the end of my college life unforgettable,” said Chen.
The video of Chen’s streaking was posted online and even broadcast on TV. His parents were worried that Chen’s stunt might be seen as going too far and would damage his career.
The school didn’t punish Chen, but he refused to be interviewed because the TV broadcast worried his parents.
Hou advises campus extroverts to relax for there is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of.
“The emotions students release, such as affection for someone, are normal,” said Hou. “The public is surprised because Chinese culture does not encourage open displays of emotion.”
But it seems that Chinese colleges are getting more open-minded to students’ “outrageous” behavior. A student burst into a professor’s class at Nanjing University to confess his love to a girl. The professor remarked: “This is a beautiful fairy tale.”