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    The digital revolution will ultimately strengthenjournalism, but so far public relations has managedthe web far better.


    In the century in which PR has been an organisedtrade, the case for its importance in business hasbeen the establishment of reputation. Now, thespeed and ubiquity of digital communications bothmakes reputation more fragile — they can make achief executive history with a tweet — and allowscorporations and their leaders to develop their own channels, direct to consumers, without theintermediation of pesky reporters.




    The power balance has shifted. “Brand journalism”, produced by corporations and institutionsand beamed direct to audiences through social media, is on the rise.


    Public relations people, often former journalists, now supply much more copy to cash-strapped, slimmed down newspapers. “Native advertising”, designed to look and read like thepublication into which it is inserted (with a discreet notice that it is sponsored), is a growingtrend: papers are now taking on teams of writers to craft the copy the advertisers want intheir outlet’s style.


    Business leaders, especially the more visible ones, are being groomed to join “theconversation” — a 24-hour digital commons where corporate and institutional voices mustbe heard and seen — without the intercession of a journalist.


    Some, such as Paul Polman, chief executive of Unilever, are public figures on issues (theenvironment in his case) beyond his corporation. In political communication as in corporatePR, the use of big data banks allow the identification of issues, concerns, habits and intentionsright down to an individual level. Campaigns are increasingly run through social media, in whichleaders as diverse as Barack Obama (re-elected in 2012) and India’s Narendra Modi (elected in2014) built and retained an apparently “personal” connection with their voter base.

    有些企业领导,比如联合利华首席执行官保罗•波尔曼(Paul Polman),已成为某些议题上的公众人物(波尔曼关注的是环境问题),其影响超出自己的公司。搞政治传播与经营企业公关一样,利用大数据库可以识别议题、关切、习惯和意向,一直细化到个体层面。竞选活动对社交媒体的运用越来越多,各国领导人都在与自己的基础选民建立并保持貌似“个人”的联系,包括2012年获得连任的巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama),以及2014年当选的印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)。

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