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      10. He Comes With His OwnDocking Station 自带“压缩包”

      Baymax can be storedcompactly and out of the way as he deflates into his own personaldocking station about the size of a toolbox. He's apractically-built piece of artificial intelligence.


      9. He Can Diagnose Any HealthProblem 诊断一切疾病

      Baymax was designed by Hiro'solder brother, Tadashi, to “heal the sick and injured” as apersonal healthcare assistant robot. So his diagnosis capabilitiesare seemingly endless. He's equipped with ahappy face diagnosticscale, defibrillators in his hands, and an admirable bedsidemanner. He'll tellyou, "There, there, it will be alright" if youare his "patient" and he won't leave you alone untilyou're wellagain.


      8. He Loves Animals热爱动物

      Baymax is a protector of alllife forms and that includes Mochi, Aunt Cass' Calico housecat. Helikescuddling up with the little furball and ensuring hissafety.


      7. His Soothing Robot Voiceand Face 治愈系的语气和面庞

      Not only does Baymax heal thesick, he does it with a relaxing voice that patients of all ageswouldfind comforting. Voiced by Scott Adsit, Baymax will followinstructions, but he's not immune to the occasional robotmisunderstanding. He's also simply designed so he's incredibly easyto love, likeHello Kitty.


      6. Baymax Gets "Drunk" When HisBattery is Low 电量不足时就会“醉”

      One of the funniest scenes inBig Hero 6 is when Hiro has to sneak Baymax back into AuntCass'house. The robot's battery is low and Hiro gets a taste ofBaymax the drunkard as the big guy deflates and has trouble walkingand talking.


      5. He Can Repair Himself自我修复只需透明胶带

      As a robot, Baymax feels nopain, obviously, so he carries some of the same qualities as hisother movie robot ancestors. Like The Terminator, Baymax can fixhimself if need be. All he needs issome Scotch Tape.


      4. He's Not Fast行动缓慢

      The most hilarious thingabout Baymax may be his dainty little footsteps. Equipped with afat bodyand tiny legs, the inflatable hero readily admits, "I amnot fast." But that doesn't stop him from heading out into theworld.


      3. He's Highly Huggable看着就想抱抱

      Baymax's "non-threateninghuggable design" makes you want to squeeze the ever-living life outofhim. He's the Pillsbury Dough Boy, the Michelin Man, and a giantteddy bear all rolled into one. Fredeven compares him to a "warmmarshmallow."


      2. He Makes a Pretty SweetSuperhero 软萌的超级英雄

      After he gets "upgrades"compliments of Hiro, Baymax becomes a rocket-fueled fightingmachinewho can soar above the city of San Fransokyo and take outany enemy. Hiro gives Baymax acarbon fiber suit of armor to protecthis soft underbelly and creates an Iron Man-like power fist forhimthat can be launched at evil targets.


      1. Baymax is Tadashi哥哥泰迪的化身

      Hiro realizes halfway throughBig Hero 6 that his brother, Tadashi, never intended Baymax tobeused as a weapon of vengeance. Tadashi wanted to help a lot ofpeople and Baymax was how hewould do it. The robot carriesTadashi's selfless personality and calming demeanor and throughhim,Hiro can still keep a little piece of his brotheralways.


      上一篇:说这样的情话,你的恋情怎能不升温? 下一篇:这五句情话,哪个女生不爱听?


