"The spirit of etiquette, no matter where in the world, is the same - it's about respect and consideration for other people, and how to put other people at ease around you."
"It's about your character, and the feeling you give to others," explains the institute's president, Rebecca Li, who has also attended a Swiss finishing school.
“这关系到你的性格和你给别人的感觉”,该协会的董事长Rebecca ·李称,她曾参加瑞士女子精修学校的培训。
"You should make people feel you are confident - a person you can trust."
How you stand, how you sit, how you walk, how you enter a room, how you shake hands - all these things can have an impact on how you are perceived and how others around you feel, according to Ms Li, "so you have to learn how to behave properly".
Other lessons include the polite way to eat an orange (which involves using a knife and fork), table setting, and dinner party seating arrangements.
Studying at the school is far from cheap, with a 10-day debutante course costing around £8,500 (€11,000; $12,200)
这所学校的收费可一点都不便宜,10天的社交入门课程要花费£8,500 (€11,000; $12,200)。
But for another student, Chelsea Chen, "how much you pay is not important, it's how much you can get from the course."
Ms Chen says she regards her attendance as an "investment… for my family… and for everyone surrounding me". She also hopes that, if in the future, she has children, she will be able to pass on what she has learnt to them.