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    5.The Dynamic Tower


    In 2008, Italian architect David Fisher unveiledplans for the most ambitious construction projecton Earth. Known as the Dynamic Tower, this 80-storybehemoth would cost $700 million and generate itsown power using 79 wind turbines. Every single floorwould rotate independently of the others, so thetower never stayed in a single shape.


    The idea was to use prefab constructions hugging tight to a central concrete core, sort of likehaving 80 separate bungalows stacked on top of one another. The 79 turbines would then sendjuice flowing through each floor, allowing them to rotate slowly at slightly different speeds.To someone who had never heard of the concept before, it would seem like the Dynamic Towerwas constantly shape-shifting. With such an inspired design, you might be wondering whathappened. Officially, nothing. Fisher insists his tower is still going ahead. However, it wasoriginally meant to be finished in 2010, and so far—in mid-2015—not a single brick has beenlaid or a meter of land purchased. Perhaps it doesn't help that Fisher's proposed site was Dubai:a city whose construction industry hasn't fully recovered from the 2008 banking crash.


    4.Konstantin Melnikov's Monument To Columbus


    Eight decades before David Fisher came up with his rotating tower, Konstantin Melnikov wasworking on a dynamic, moving monument. Unlike Fisher, Melnikov wasn't content with simplycreating some building that shifted meaninglessly. He wanted to create one capable of playingits own musical compositions.


    One of the Soviet Union's 23 official entries to the Pan-American competition to design amonument to Christopher Columbus, Melnikov's lighthouse was the definition of ambitious.Its gigantic upper cone was hollowed out to collect rainwater that would power a smallturbine, generating electricity. More impressively, the huge wings on the side of the buildingwere designed to sway in the wind. As they swung back and forth, they would strike one ofseven rings, producing a distinct musical note that could be heard for miles. On blustery days,the lighthouse would be capable of playing intricate musical scores. The Columbus statueitself was equally impressive. As the lighthouse's two cones turned, they would brieflyintersect, causing the statue to temporarily rise up into view. Too bad the committeeultimately ditched Melnikov's vision in favor of a big, boring block.


    3.Gerard K. O'Neill's Space Cylinders


    In 1974, Princeton physicist Gerard K. O'Neill wrote a paper that would inspire plans for yearsto come. Interested in bringing humanity off Earth to inhabit the universe, O'Neill set out hisdesigns for a vast outer space colony living in gigantic cylinders. Known as O'Neill Cylinders,his designs were the pinnacle of futuristic thinking.


    Giant glass tubes 30 kilometers (20 mi) long, each O'Neill Cylinder would hang at the L5 pointin the Moon's orbit—a place the Guardian described as "like a gravitational eddy where thingsstay put by themselves." Each would provide gravity by rotating, and strips of land wouldalternate with long sheets of glass to let sunlight in. In effect, this meant that people on onestrip of land would always have another directly above their heads. It would be possible to lookup in the mornings and see the roof of your neighbor's house, many thousands of feet above.Even more impressively, each Cylinder would come complete with its own weather system thatcould be manipulated to create the sensation of passing seasons. O'Neill's ultimate plan wasto have hundreds of these cylinders connected by a web of cables, connecting four billion humancolonists in the empty wastes of space. Sadly for sci-fi lovers, his plans were hundreds of yearsahead of their time. Even now, 40 years later, building an O'Neill cylinder would requiretechnology we simply don't have. Once again, you failed us, future.


    2.Giovanni Battista's Imaginary Prisons


    Unlike most of the people on our list, Giovanni Battista Piranesi never intended for his designsto be built. And that's a good thing because living in Piranesi's drawings would've been hell onEarth. An Italian etcher and architect (among other things) from the 18th century, Piranesispent his time drawing impossible prisons so horrifying that they seem ripped straight fromH.P. Lovecraft's nightmares.


    Featuring bizarre angles, staircases that lead nowhere, and rumbling machines that resembletorture devices, Piranesi's etchings come from the Venetian tradition of imaginary subjects. Inthis case, there's a good argument to be made that his subject was hell. The endless corridors,slumped figures, and chains all seem to point toward people trapped in eternal torment. Thatdidn't stop his admirers from seeing more earthly possibilities in them. According to art criticJonathan Jones, Piranesi's prisons directly inspired the movie architecture for Metropolis andBlade Runner and even influenced London's real-life Tate Modern and Jubilee Line.


    1.The Utter Insanity Of Hermann Finsterlin


    Hermann Finsterlin has an unusual claim to fame. Despite being a visionary architect whosework inspired many, he never saw a single building he designed actually built. There's a goodreason for this. Finsterlin's designs were bonkers.


    We don't mean they were unusual or overambitious or simply too expensive to make. We meanthey were the work of a man who'd clearly parted company with rationality many moons ago.Finsterlin's whole approach was to make inhabitants of his buildings feel like they were inside aliving creature. He took inspiration from mammals' limbs, the human thorax, the alimentarycanal, and dinosaurs. In one book, he claimed he wanted his rooms to feel like separateorgans, with inhabitants enjoying "the giving and receiving symbiosis of a giant fossil womb." Atleast one of his designs featured what looks uncannily like a gigantic, erect penis. His 3-Dmodels were no less absurd. One currently housed in New York's MOMA collection resemblesnothing so much as a five-year-old's overexcited experiments with modeling clay. The moreabstract ones don't even seem to fit together. Yet had Finsterlin been allowed to build hisdesigns, there's no doubt our world would be a much more interesting place to live in—and onea good deal more nightmarish, too.


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