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      Theory Suits标准套装

      For attire, a popular response from the women we asked were Theory suits and separates。在服装方面,我们询问到的女性最普遍的回答就是标准套装和单件的正装。

      As for the colors, they suggest purchasing them in black, cream, navy blue and muted red。在颜色方面,她们建议购买黑色、奶油色、深蓝色以及柔和的红色。


      Keep a cardigan (preferably black) at your desk。记得在桌子里留一件开衫(最好是黑色)。

      You never know when the office will be chilly。你永远不知道办公室什么时候会冷气逼人。

      Conservative, Comfortable And Stylish Heels保守、舒适、时髦的高跟鞋

      "Anything over 3 inches will raise eyebrows," one woman told us。“任何超过3英寸的高跟鞋都会引人侧目,”一位职业女性告诉我们。

      Important: Don't over-style your boss。重要提示:别盖过你老板的风头。

      A Pair Of Flats一双平底鞋

      Flats are essential for women who stand on their feet all day。对于那些整天站立的女性来说,平底鞋是必备品。

      The one problem is flats can come off as unprofessional or immature。唯一的问题在于,平底鞋给人感觉不够职业或者不够成熟。

      A solution is to pick a pair that have nice hardware。一个解决办法是选择一双有精美五金装饰的平底鞋。

      A Nice Watch -- but not too nice一块精美的手表——但别太花哨

      A Wall Streeter suggests that women avoid the popular boyfriend watches。一位在华尔街工作的女性建议职业女性不要选择那种流行的男友风手表。

      "Don't get something that will make your boss jealous either -- it should be feminine without being hot pink."“也别选择那种会让你老板嫉妒的款式,手表应该女性化,但不要选亮粉色。”

      Nail Polish指甲油

      Nails should be short and manicured。指甲应该剪短并修剪整齐。

      Popular color suggestions were nude or burgundy。受欢迎的颜色有裸色和酒红色。

      Neutral Makeup自然的妆容

      Makeup should look natural。女性的妆容应该看上去很自然。

      "Absolutely no glitter." For example, at Goldman Sachs there's an unspoken rule that it's not cool to wear a lot of makeup。“绝对不要任何闪光” 。比如说在高盛集团,有一点大家都心知肚明:化浓妆一点也不酷。

      You'll also want to have a makeup bag with essentials such as concealer after those 4 a.m-ers。你也应该有一个化妆包用来装一些必需品,比如对于那些加班到凌晨4点以后的人来说,遮瑕膏是必备的。

      Baby Powder婴儿爽身粉

      If you're working late hours and don't have time to wash your hair, keep a bottle of baby powder handy。如果你加班到很晚,没有时间洗头,随身带一瓶婴儿爽身粉吧。

      "It magically makes it look like you just did your hair," says one woman who keeps some at her desk. “它会让你的头发看上去好像刚洗过一样,很神奇,”一位女性告诉我们,她自己的抽屉里就放着一些。

      Minimal Or No Perfume最小味道的香水或者不要香水

      One of the women we spoke to said perfume is not appropriate for the office。一位受访女性告诉我们,香水对于这里的办公室来说不合适。

      "Women smell nice anyway," she added。“不论怎样女性都应该闻起来不错,”她又补充说。

      If you absolutely insist on wearing perfume keep it at a minimum。如果你坚持要用香水,把香味控制到最小。

      The UBS dress code manual says "a scent should at first be perceptible at a distance - an arm's length - but should be discreet."瑞士联合银行的着装手册上说“香水味首先应该在手臂这么长的距离内被察觉,但要小心使用。”

      Professional Handbag专业的手提包

      A woman we spoke to suggested having a nice handbag, but with "no obvious labels."受访的一位女性建议说,应该拥有一个漂亮的手提包,但“不要有明显的商标”。

      That's because you don't want your boss, who might be a man, seeing your bag with G's, LV's and C's all over the place. Branded bags like Prada and YSL, for example, are fine after you've earned your bonus, but keep them simple, classic, and tasteful。因为你不会想要你的老板(可能是个男人)看见的你的包上满是古琦啊、路易威登啊、香奈儿的商标。像普拉达和圣罗兰这样的有铭牌的包,等你赢得了红利之后也是不错的选择,但确保选那些简洁、经典、有品位的款式。

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