女人喜欢创造一些比较女性化的说法,比如dove grey(类似鸽子羽毛的灰色),而男人喜欢使用英语标准的说法,比如light grey(浅灰色)。
女人重视语法的正确性,比如We're going to……(我们正在去/即将去),而男人不重视语法的正确性,比如We're gonna……(我们正在去/即将去)。
女人喜欢直接引用,比如Hannah said that……(汉娜说),而男人喜欢间接引用,比如She saidthat……(她说)。
女人喜欢礼貌表达,比如Would you please……(您能),而男人喜欢常规表达,比如Can you……(你能)。
A: I saw a kingfisher Saturday morning.
B: Did you?
A: It took off about three feet from my side. I didn't see it in the bush. It took off out of abush...
B: Mmmm.
A: Passed the front of my canoe and flew into a tree. I sat there...
B: Very nice.
A: and thought ...
B: Yeah.
A: It looked down at me and it was really bright.
B: Beautiful.