That is more than three times the recommended maximum for an adult for an entire day. Recommended maximum daily intake of added sugar for an adult is 30g or around seven teaspoons.

The campaigning group Action on Sugar surveyed of 131 flavoured hot drinks and found 98 per cent would receive a red label for high sugar content under guidelines drawn up by the Food Standards Agency.
限糖行动小组调查了131款含糖风味热饮, 发现其中98%的热饮都会贴上英国食物标准局制订的红色高糖标签。
And 35 per cent of the speciality flavoured drinks contain the same amount or more sugar than Coca Cola, which is nine teaspoons per can – equivalent to seven chocolate biscuits.
Action on Sugar said coffee shops have an enormous influence because there are more than 18,000 outlets selling an estimated 1.7 billion hot drinks a year.
The agency would be responsible for banning of all forms of advertising and promotion of unhealthy foods and drinks to children and adolescents.