1. The quirks and quacks on the subway can make your five-stop train ride an unbearable mess.
2. I really hate it when people push their way into cars before others exit the train.

3. Don't be a pole hugger. The pole is meant for more than one person to use. You hold the pole, not wrap yourself around the pole.
4. People having loud, TMI phone conversations on subway are annoying.
5. I hate it when people stand in front of the turnstile and then start fishing in their purses or pockets for their Metrocards.
6. Some people don't even bother with earphones and turn on music on their phone so loud that other people can hear it. There's an extra demerit for anyone who sings along with what they're listening to.
7. Why doesn't they have a backup plan when the trains go out of service unexpectedly?
8. Panhandling on the subway really bug me. Another pet peeve of mine is people who sit with their legs spread apart, taking up two seats.
9. My biggest pet peeve is the subway door blockers.
10. I hate it when people hold closing doors open for their slow friends who take forever to swipe a MetroCard, damaging the car and delaying everyone else.