里约奥运会第一场求婚发生在七人制橄榄球(rugby sevens)的比赛现场。

秦凯求婚的这一幕也被很多媒体拍到,国外媒体纷纷表示这一幕很有爱。Love is in the air at Rio 2016!

Chinese diver He Zi wins Olympic silver -- then gets a proposal on the podium
Love is in the air at Rio 2016 -- and the world's top athletes are getting in on the act.
Just moments after receiving her silver medal in Sunday's 3-meter springboard event, China's He Zi was asked to take a very different kind of plunge.
The 25-year-old was met by boyfriend Qin Kai, a fellow Olympic diver, who bent low on one knee by the podium before offering up a box containing an engagement ring.
She appeared shocked, and covered her mouth before Qin placed the ring on her finger and gave a "thumbs up" to the spectators.
Language tips:
何姿是跳水运动员,CNN在这篇报道的第二段用take a plunge这个短语是一个很好的双关,首先,这个短语有“跳水”的意思,诙谐地指出,何姿这边刚拿到跳水银牌,那边又得“跳入完全不同的一个池子”了;另外,take a plunge也有“投身于...”或者“全身心投入”的意思,后面多跟into,意味着对感情做出承诺,全身心投入。
Washington Post: 标题直接报告了求婚结果——何姿订婚了

Chinese diver He Zi gets engaged after winning silver medal
Shortly after she received a silver medal for her second-place finish in the women’s three-meter springboard final on Sunday, China’s He Zi received an engagement ring from her longtime boyfriend in one of the more adorable moments of the Rio Games.
Chinese diver Qin Kai, who won silver in the men’s three-meter springboard in London, got down on one knee to pop the question in front of the crowd after He and teammate Shi Tingmao took the top two spots in Sunday’s event.
Language tips:
关于“求婚”的表达这里出现了女方和男方两个版本。对女方来说,是received an engagement ring from her longtime boyfriend,对男方来说,是 got down on one knee to pop the question。所以,“单膝跪地”既可以用CNN报道中的bend low on one knee,也可以用上文中的 get down on one knee。
Pop the question字面意思是“提出那个问题”,注意,这里question前面一定要出现the,也就是说,这里的问题是那个大家都知道的特定的问题:Will you marry me?因此,这个短语就经常用来表示“求婚”。
Reuters: 强调了颁奖现场的剧情反转

In twist, Chinese divers get engaged on Olympic medal stage
China's He Zi received the shock of her life when teammate and boyfriend Qin Kai rushed up with a diamond ring during the medal ceremony of the women's 3 metre springboard event, marking the second marriage proposal of the Olympics.
Qin, who won a bronze medal in his own synchronized diving event last week, climbed up to the stage after He received her silver medal, getting down on one knee while holding a red box with the ring and a glass-encased rose.
'I didn't know he would propose today and I didn't expect myself to marry myself out so early,' said He, who tearfully accepted the proposal with a big hug.
'I've forgotten most of what he's said (during the proposal), but it's largely what you can expect like promises, but what touched me the most is that he said he was willing to be bullied by me for life,' she said.
Language tips:
报道中详细描述了秦凯求婚的细节,包括getting down on one knee(单膝跪下)和holding a red box with the ring(手握红色戒指盒),还引用了当事人何姿的话,何姿提到,最打动她的就是he was willing to be bullied by me for life(他愿意一辈子被我欺负)。
Shock of her life可见这惊喜程度不同一般,想要表达“特别、格外、非常”等程度时都可以模仿这样的句式,比如:laugh of my life,pain of my life等。
何姿说,没想到自己会这么早嫁出去,“嫁出去”英文用的是marry myself out。需要注意的是,如果是marry out,意思则是“和本氏族、集团以外的人或宗教信仰不同的人结婚”;marry up则是跟比自己地位高的人结婚。
BBC: 这恐怕是目前透露信息最少的一个标题了

A marriage proposal at the Olympics medal ceremony
Chinese diver He Zi had just received a silver medal for the women's three-metre springboard at the Rio Olympics on Sunday.
But she ended up with another prize when her boyfriend Qin Kai, in front of a global TV audience, went down on one knee.
Luckily for Qin, who himself won bronze in the men's three-metre synchronised springboard last week, He Zi said yes.
"We've been dating for six years, but I didn't expect him to propose today," she said. "He said a lot of things, made a lot of promises, but I think the thing that touched me the most is I think this is the guy I can trust for the rest of my life."
But some viewers have suggested that his shock proposal stole the limelight from her other precious medal, her Olympic medal.
Language tips:
Go/get down on one knee也就是我们平时所说的求婚时单膝下跪,这里用一个动作来表示求婚这种意味,类似于walk down the aisle用来表示结婚,aisle就是两组座位之间的走道,就像电影院,大礼堂和教堂里的走道一样。
顺便学习一下这对佳侣参赛项目的说法:三米板跳水three-metre springboard diving,男子和女子分别加上men's和women's,双人的项目还强调同时、同步,也就是synchronised diving。
Steal the limelight是指把人们(观众)的注意力从别处吸引过来,出风头,或者是抢镜。Limelight意为舞台灯光,公众注目的中心,同义词spotlight。相关表达还有:in the limelight(受人瞩目),be fond of the limelight(爱出风头)。
Mirror: 准确表达出了剧情反转——失了金牌,得了钻戒

Chinese diver He Zi misses out on gold medal but bags diamond ring as boyfriend proposes
A Chinese diver missed out on Olympic gold but bagged a diamond ring after her teammate boyfriend surprised her by popping the question .
He Zi got the shock of her life when partner Qin Kai interrupted the medal ceremony of the women's 3 metre springboard event to get down on one knee.
Qin, who won a bronze medal in his own synchronized diving event last week, took to the stage in front of a crowd of thousands after He received her silver medal.
He tearfully accepted the proposal with a big hug.
Language tips:
比赛中将奖牌“收入囊中”英文里有个形象的表达就是bag,比如:Phelps bagged a total of 23 gold medals in the Olympics(菲尔普斯在奥运会上一共收获了23枚金牌)。第一段中先说miss out on gold medal(错失金牌),接着又说“收获了钻戒”时依然用了体育比赛中获奖常用词bag,正好可以跟前半句以及何姿的运动员身份相符。
“求婚”除了pop the question以外,还可以说ask someone to marry him/her或者propose to someone。
接受求婚最直接的表达当然就是say yes,比如:When he asked me to marry him, I said yes。比较正式的说法是accept the proposal,如果不想接受,就可以用refuse/reject来表示,那可就悲剧了。