Scientists Just Grew a Whole Salad in Antarctica, Without Any Daylight or Soil
In a step that's getting us closer to off-world farming, scientists on Germany's Neumayer Station III in Antarctica have just harvested a nice big crop of vegetables – a whole 3.6 kg (8 pounds) of salad greens, 18 cucumbers, and 70 radishes.
Even better, the crops, grown in a lab called EDEN-ISS, were produced without dirt, daylight, or pesticides, according to the team.
Instead, the researchers employed a reusable water cycle and a nutrient system, while optimising LED lighting and carefully monitoring carbon dioxide in the room - based on a method known as hydroponics.
"After sowing the seeds in mid-February, I had to deal with some unexpected problems, such as minor system failures and the strongest storm in more than a year," Paul Zabel, an engineer involved with the project, told
今年二月,研究团队播下种子。参与该项目的工程师Paul Zabel表示,播种后出现了一些意料之外的问题,例如:系统出现小故障、科考站遭遇一年多以来最强烈的暴风雪。
"Fortunately, all these things could be fixed and overcome."
This is only the start of the harvest, too. The German Aerospace Centre, which coordinates the project, told AP that by May the scientists are hoping to harvest a huge 4-5 kilograms (9-11 pounds) of vegetables a week.
This isn't the first time researchers have attempted something like this, with the ISS growing space vegetables already back in 2015.
But this project is focussed on producing a wider mix, such as radishes, salad greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers (capsicum) and even herbs.
Radishes grown in the greenhouse (DLR)All this in Antarctica, nonetheless. With temperatures outside dropping below -20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit), it's pretty amazing that the researchers are producing such a wide range of fruits and vegetables.
Now they're just waiting on some berries for dessert.